Chapter 2

Bulma sighed as she watched Vejita's vapor trail vanish. 'What's wrong with me?' she asked herself, 'I can't be falling for him!' Bulma sat down on the porch to ponder the past few minutes events; it was all so confusing. She thought she had been happy with Yamucha, but perhaps she was wrong. She couldn't deny it any longer, she had fallen for the Saiya-jin prince.

She sighed again, there was no way he could share these feelings for her, all he cared about was beating Goku. She began to wonder if there was anyway to make Vejita notice her.

Her thoughts were abruptly inturrupted by a quite hissing sound from around the corner. Bulma stood up, something wasn't right. She hesitantly walked towards the hiss; she could hear deep, shallow breathing. 'Kami, what's going on?'

She stopped were she was, "Who's there?" she called out, her voice cracking, "Vejita, this is not funny!" She took another step, more confident that it was just Vejita getting even with her for snapping at him.

She rounded the corner and came face to face with the most hideous creature she had ever seen. She didn't have time to scream, the youma lunged at her, teeth and claws bared. Bulma stood still, waiting for certain death. It never came.

Before she knew it, she was thrown to the ground by another body. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the same girl she had bumped into earlier. "Are you all right?" she asked, Bulma nodded, completely confused. "Good. Stay down and I'll take care of this guy."

Bulma stood up and grabbed the girl's arm, "Are you crazy?"

The girl turned and smiled, "Trust me." She turned and faced the youma; tugged at a gold chain around her neck. Bulma studied the amulet closely; it was a perfectly shaped oval gem. Violet lined in gold.

Bulma gasped, there was something so familiar about this whole scenario.

Suddenly, the girl shouted, "Omega Starlight Power, make-up!" Bulma's jaw about hit the ground after what she saw. Slowly, the girl began to transform. After the transformation, she struck a quick pose. Bulma was in shock; she looked like one of the infamous Sailor Senshi, but it was one she had never heard of before.

Her fuku was slightly different from the senshi Bulma had heard of. Her skirt was doubled; purple on top of silver. Her collar and gloves were lined in purple. She wore purple heels with ribbons that laced up her calf like ballet shoes. The bows on her fuku were dark blue, the ribbons on the bow on the back of her skirt reached past her knees. She wore a golden tiara, with a purple stone. Bulma studied her chocker closer, it had a tiny greek symbol, omega, on it.

The youma paid no mind to Bulma, his full attention had been turned to the Senshi in front of it. She smiled, "This is where it ends. I am pretty soldier, Sailoromega! On behalf of the forgotten Omega star, I will punish you!"

SailorOmega? This was becoming very difficult for Bulma to swallow. She took a step back, letting the senshi and youma have their space for the oncoming battle. To Bulma's relief, there really wasn't much of one.

The youma swung out a Sailoromega, but the blow didn't connect. She turned and smiled wickedly at the youma, "Game's over." she whispered. She crossed her arms across her chest and whispered, "Armageddon Silence!"

It was an amazing sight; purple waves of energy formed a helix around SailorOmega as she spun around, she raised one hand to the sky and the energy surrounded it. The earth began to tremble slightly as she threw the energy at the youma. Bulma watched in wonder as the youma became nothing but a pile of dust.

"Wow." Bulma whispered. She walked over to the pile and picked up the ruby in the middle. Sailor Omega walked over and reached out her hand and took the ruby. "Thank you," Bulma said, "you saved my life."

Sailoromega smiled, "It was nothing." She threw the gem on the ground and stepped on it, smashing into a thousand tiny pieces. "We need to talk."

Bulma nodded in agreement, she had a lot of questions. Suddenly, SailorOmega turned her head and frowned. Bulma turned and saw Vejita returning. "Don't mind him," Bulma said, "he won't bother us."

She shook her head, "We'll have to talk later."

Bulma frowned.

"Sorry. You can still do something for me, though."

Bulma perked up.

"I want you to follow Isis."

"Who?" Bulma asked, but she got no response. SailorOmega turned and ran of.

Bulma was just about to call out after her when Vejiita came up behind her. "Woman!" he shouted, Bulma jumped in shock, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Bulma turned and glared, "Baka, it's none of your business." She took the time to inspect him. He was covered with dirt and blood, a sure sign that he had been hunting. "Go inside and get cleaned up." she demanded.

Vejita frowned, "You can't order me around!"

"Wanna bet? You live in MY house, if you want to stay, you'd better get cleaned up, and if you stop calling me woman I'll build you a gravity chamber so you can train."

This got Vejita's attention, he raised an eyebrow. Bulma took that to mean he was thrilled. "Fine BULMA." He turned on his heels and marched into the house to take a shower.

* * *

"I'm sorry, My lord." Thallior said, barely above a whisper, "SailorOmega showed up and ruined everything."

Thallior looked up at the throne, his red eyes held obvious fear. "SailorOmega always ruins everything." said the voice from behind the shadows, "That excuse will no longer work for me."

Thallior nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"From now on, you will work with Ceria."

Thallior's fear turned to anger, "I don't need a parnter, my Lord! Ceria will only get in my way!" He turned to see the young woman standing at the door of the throne room, "She has just completed her training, she knows nothing!"

"Don't second guess me, Thallior." he warned, "Ceria's training went better than yours did." Thallior turned to see a smug look on Ceria's face, he glared, clenching his fists. "You could learn a few things from her."

Thallior kept his mouth shut, he was lucky enough to still be alive. For the first time Ceria spoke, "Tell me, My lord, there are three princesses. Why don't we kill the one who is still alone? You said yourself she was weak."

"Hai, she is." he said, "She's a clutz, and not a concern. Although, the other senshi do pose some threat; their strength is nothing compared to the power of the three moons. Fortuanately, for us, the moons have not united. We must eliminate out the two we already have, they are fighters and SailorOmega knows the full extent of her power. The Eternal Princess cannot access her full powers because of her reluctance to fight."

Ceria and Thallior nodded in unison. "What do you wish for us to do, sire?" Thallior asked.

"For now, there is nothing to be done. SailorOmega and the Saiya-jin prince gaurd the Alpha Princess, it's too risky. We shall have to wait for the right time."

* * *

Bulma walked into Capsule Corp. in a daze. Questions swirled around her head; questions that she had no answers for. Only that girl knew and she told her to follow someone named Isis. "Who is Isis?" she wondered aloud.

"Why," came a soft, feminine voice, "that would be me!"

Bulma turned around, her eyes frantically searching th room. They finally fell upon the sofa; a small, silver tabby gazed back at her with crystal blue eyes. Bulma took the time to look over th cat, noticing a tiny crescent moon on it's forehead. "How did you get in here kitty?" She crooned.

The cat frowned, "I came in through the door." she stated plainly, "And don't call me 'kitty', the name's Isis."

Bulma almost fainted. Isis was a cat. Even more astounding, a talking cat. "I'm going crazy."

Isis smiled, "Hardly. Did SailorOmega give you instructions to follow me?"

Bulma nodded.

"Good, I believe what we are looking for is in your attic." Bulma opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped herself.

Isis followed Bulma up the stairs; the door to the attic was hidden in the back of the closet in Vejita's room. Bulma listened carefully, the water from the shower was still running. She was a little hesitant to enter the room, she hadn't been in there since Vejita moved in.

To her surprise, it was very neat and clean. The bed was made, though Bulma wondered if he ever actually slept. She noted his clothes that he had been wearing were on the bed, she'd have to do laundry. "Great." she sighed, "one more thing to do for the Saiya-jin prince!"

Isis chuckled.


Isis shook her head and continued to chuckle.

Bulma was too preoccupied to notice the shower turn off. She had no time to react when Vejita came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towl; he stopped the moment his eyes fell upon Bulma. They both turned a crimson red and Isis had to stiffle a laugh.

Bulma turned her head and Vejita quickly put on a clean pair of pants. "What in Kami's name are you doing here, woman!?" he demanded.

Bulma turned o face him, her face still red. "I was going to the attic baka!" she spat "This is MY house, you know!"

Vejita didn't reply; he just folded his arms and glared.

Isis gasped from holding her breath to keep from laughing.

Vejita glared down at her, "Where did that thing come from?"

It was Isis's turn to glare, "I am not a 'thing'! My name is Isis, but apparently, YOU have trouble with names!"

Vejita said nothing; he looked up at Bulma "Woman, what in Kami's name is this!?"

Bulma looked down at Isis, then back at Vejita. She didn't think Isis would come straight out and say something to him, " name is Isis." She finally stuttered out.

Vejita rolled his eyes, vexed, "We've already established that!"

Bulma blushed.

"What I meant was, how can that thing talk and what is it doing here?"

Bulma opened her mouth, but nothing came out, she didn't have a clue as to what Isis wanted.

"I came here to awaken Sailoralpha." Isis answered plainly.

Vejita turned his attention back to Isis, "Who?" he asked, looking at Bulma who shrugged her shoulders.

Isis sighed, "Come on, both of you." she headed towards the attic, "Since Vejita will know about this eventually, he might as well hear it now."

The three headed up the stairs. Bulma and Vejita wathed as Isis paded around until she came across a small box hidden behind a desk.

Isis pawed at the box until she got it out. Bulma dusted it off. It was silver, lined in a pale blue stone. Engraved on it was the greek letter Alpha. She opened the box, inside was an amulet like the one the girl had been wearing earlier. The only difference was it was pale blue.

"It's beautiful!" she gasped.

Vejiita 'hmph'ed. He was fairly bored.

Bulma ran her fingers across the gem. Suddenly, a vision flashed before her eyes...

There were three of them, two girls and a woman. One of the girls was the one Bulma had met earlier, the other had blue eyes and blonde hair tied up in odango. The woman looked like the second girl, except her hair was silver. "My sisters..." she whispered, "and my mother."

"What?!" Vejiita demanded, "Sisters?"

Bulma snapped back to reality; Isis looked up at her, "Do you remember?"

"Bits and pieces."

Isis smiled, "I shall tell you the rest, when we unite with the other senshi."

Bulma nodded.

"Other senshi?" Vejita asked, lost "What in Kami's name is going on here?"

Nobody paid the Saiya-jin any mind. Bulma put on the amulet, stood up, and shouted, "Alpha Starlight Power, make-up!"

What happened next was incredible, Vejita couldn't hide his shock. Blue and silver ribbons surrounded Bulma until she had completely transformed. She wore a fuku similar to SailorOmega's.

The skirt was pale blue ontop of silver. The bows were a translucent white (think Super SailorMoon). She wore blue, knee lenght boots that laced up the front.

Vejita's eyes traveled down Bulma's form, she tried hard not to blush. After a moment, Vejita regained his senses and snapped back to his usual emotionless face. "What just happened?"

Bulma opened her mouth to explain, but was inturrupted by a familiar female voice.

"She transformed into SailorAlpha," it was the girl from earlier, "My sister." Her head appeared from behind the door, "I hope no one minds, I kind of let myself in. I'm Shizuka, SailorOmega."

Bulma smiled, "HI!" she said cheerfully, without even thinking the two embraced, "I can't believe this is happening."

Shizuka smiled. "I've finally found what I've been looking for."

Bulma looked at her curiously.

Shizuka explained, "My family's dead. Ever since then I've been looking for my other and our other sister, SailorMoon."

"SailorMoon is our other sister?"

Shizuka nodded. "Osiris says it's a long story."

Bulma gave her another questioning look. Suddenly, a siamese appeared on her shoulders, "This is my guardian, Osiris."

"Nice to see you again," he looked at Isis. "Good work Isis-chan."

Isis blushed.

Vejita was once again completely lost. "Will someone please tell me what is going on!?"

Shizuka smiled warmly, "You'll know everything in time. Bulma-san, we need to go to Tokyo and find SailorMoon."

Bulma nodded in agreement.

"Unfortunately, the same people who attacked you today will most likely try to stop us."

Vejita turned sharply, "Attacked you?"

Bulma nodded, "I was lucky SailorOmega saved me."

Shizuka sighed, "They'll double their efforts now that you're here. Even the two of us might not be enough."

Bulma sighed, suddenly a wicked idea flashed through her brain, "Vejita-sama will come with us."

Vejita shook his head furiously.

"That is...if he still wants that gravity chamber." she continued.

Vejita 'hmph'ed and began to pout. Bulma had a gleam of triumph in her eyes. "It's settled then, tomorrow we go to Tokyo!"

"Agreed," Shizuka said.

Suddenly another thought crossed Bulma's mind, "It's still early Shizuka, where are you staying?" Shizuka looked away, "Nowhere really."

"That's what I thought, you're staying here! We'll get you settled in later, but for now let's go shopping."

Shizuka smiled, a huge gap had been filled. For the first time in a long time, things were going right.

End Of Chapter 2

Chapter 3