Chrono Cross : Archives : 151-175

[Guldove, Alternate World]

Mel turns toward Glenn startled, "Oh nothing, nothing at all. Korcha and I were just...a...playing with marbles," she said grinning innocently.

[Guldove, Alternate World]

Glenn raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything else.

[Guldove, Alternate World]

Mel waits patiently for Glenn to leave.

[Guldove, Alternate World]

Feeling like the only grown up for miles Glenn sighs and leaves.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Luccia found herself wandering the halls of Viper Manor, head raised and allert. She'd left Pip back in the lab, caged as usual.

"I vonder," she mused to herself, but didn't bother to finish the statement as she rounded a corner. She hadn't been out of the lab this much in months, and oddly it felt good to be out and about.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Lynx, pacing back and forth, goes over to Serge and grins saying, " I don't think your friends are coming to rescue you." He walks to the door wondering if he will have more people to capture soon.

[Opassa Beach, Home World]

Kid rubs her head and stands as she looks back. "I'm seein' double here, mate." she mutters, rubbing her eyes. "Is it too much to ask fer it to be two of Serge?" she mumbles quietly to herself, crossing her arms in the usual pose.

She examines each Leena carefully and then scratches her head. "Agh! This is too much fer me, I give up! Which one of ya is which? C'mon, we need to get our arses movin'! I'm sure that Serge's in some real danger by now." She waits imatiently for Leena, tapping her foot while quietly contemplating. "We must've ended up in a wormhole er somethin' like that. How the bloody hell er we gonna get outta this." she wonders.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Serge blinks. "Um...I uh...Um...There was that weird braided blonde...then ah...Eh, what friends may you be speaking of?" Serge asked genuinely.

[Opassa Beach, Home World]

"Serge? How do you know about Serge?" asked the other Leena.

"Ah... Long story." said Leena.

"Erm... 'kay." replied the other Leena, puzzled.

"We'll explain when this is all over." Leena said, walking toward the entrance of Opassa Beach. "Ready, Kid?"

"When this is all over...?" the other Leena repeated.

[Guldove, Alternate World]

Korcha waits impatiently for Mel to run her "errand," an evil smirk on his face. He loved taking advantage of his sister, something he did so often. But now, a second thought crossed his mind. What if she was caught, and squealed? "Hey, Mel!" he calls out to her.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

And with Luccia out of the lab, Pip begins to shake his cage. With one final shove, the cage falls onto the floor, and Pip crawls out of it. Not paying attention to where he was going, he quickly runs through the halls in an an attempt to finally be free of the manor.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Karsh, meanwhile, walks back up to Lynx's interrogation of Serge and enters the room. "May I be of any assistance?"

[Guldove, Alternate World]

Just as Korcha got up to the door Mel came bounding out with a keg of beer in hand, knocking Korcha head over heels. She tripped over him and the keg went flying. In seconds a group of burly men stood around the two shaking their heads. "Um...," Mel said helplessly.

[Opassa Beach, Home World]

Van and his father had had another fight over the paintings. Van, as usual, insisted that his father sell them, but the stubborn old man refused. Van had stalked out, and now wandered aimlessly. His long hike had taken him all the way to Opassa Beach.

"Wow... I've never actually been here before," he mused to himself. He was surprised to hear voices, and cautiously got closer. He stared in fascination at the bizarre sight: Two identical women (probably twins), and another, tough-looking woman, who seemed to be doing the talking. They seemed frustrated. 'Hmmm... I wonder if they're lost.'

Deciding to help them, Van stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Excuse me?"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Karsh," the catman said,"do what you want with him until the girl comes." Then he gives out a diabolical laugh.

[Opassa Beach, Home World]

Kid, still a little confused from seeing yet another Leena, notices the entrance of a slightly younger teenage boy. She props her hands on her waist as she watches him approach from the distance. "Now what?" she murmers in a very low tone, "We'll NEVER be able to save that poor guy at this rate."

Her eyes suddenly widen as a smirk crosses her face. "I'm a bloody genius! The more mates I get fer this rescue, the faster it'll be. Heck, who knows, I could even get some much needed time to search fer that bastard Lynx inside the Manor!" she thinks to herself with a widening grin.

Kid looks over at Leena, shooting her a half grin and a smile. She then turns toward the oncoming boy and puts on her infamous 'helpless young girl' act. "Hello there!" she begins, waving and smiling as he approaches.

[Opassa Beach, Home World]

He grinned and waved back, quickening his pace. Gosh, these poor ladies... "Hi! I noticed that you seemed a little upset. Are you lost or something? Do you need any help?"

He couldn't help but admire the girls long, lean legs. Blushing slightly, he extended his hand. "I'm Van."

[Opassa Beach, Home World]

Kid shakes hands with him and smiles. "Hiya, Van. I'm Kid." She gestures to the right of where she is standing, "That's Leena, and we're not lost." she begins, tweedling her thumbs and trying to appear as innocent as possible. "We do have one tiny little problem..." she adds. She glances back at Leena and then looks childishly down at her own tweedling fingers again. "Nah, ferget it. We shouldn't burden ya with our problems, right mate?" she grins, closing her eyes and tilting her head slightly to one side.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Serge shifted in his chair uneasily. "Anything?" He frowned. I s'pose I'll have to disagree with that..." He started to jerk in his chair violently.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Harle, meanwhile, had been listening. "Anysing he vants? Vat is Monsieur Lynx doing?"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Lynx stomps over to Harle and says sarcastically,"I didn't mean ANYTHING, but just keep him busy till the girl comes. I'm getting bored with this kid anyway. Karsh, i'll just wait over here and watch you." Lynx then moves up next to the door Harle is standing in.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Harle blinks. "Vell, you didn't have to get so touchy, no?"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Serge shakes his head. "This is boring. He's not even a good interrogator! So far, all he's done is make fun of me!" Serge sticks his tongue out and makes a face. "And he NAGS! Nag nag nag nag nag!" Serge huffs and tries to slide down into the chair as much as possible.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"I honestly have no idea what to do with this punk..." Karsh mutters. "Hey, Harle? Why don't you do something to him? You know what Lynx wants better than I do. Besides, I'm sure he's about your age..." He smirks a bit, a slight chuckle eminating from him.

[Fossil Valley, Alternate World]

::curiously large dodo egg rustles wildly in nest, odd squeaks and "Rrrrrrr's" aplenty eminate from the shell::

