Chrono Cross : Archives : 26-50

[Water Dragon Isle, Home World]

"Rosetta!" the floating figure called out as she looked around, then spotted Rosetta talking to another fairy by a tree. "Hi Cloe! Hi Rosetta!" she chirped cheerfully, "Look what I found!"

Rosetta stared at the item. The fairy blinked, expressionless, "Umm... what is it, Razz?"

Razzly sighed, "I don't know, but it's fairy pretty!" she beamed with sparkling eyes.

Cloe whirled around, her tangarine robe whirling around her, "Can I have it? Pleeeeese?"

Zoe chimed up from behind her, "Pretty pleeeeeese?"

"NO!" Razzly answered with a scowl, "Finder's keepers! If you want one, you should go to the Hydra forest!"

"Razz! It's dangerous there!" Rosetta complained with concern in her voice.

Razzly sighed, "Not much else to do around here?"

[Guldove, Home World]

Doc paused, while it may not show, their words did effect him. The small glimmer of hopefullness inside him had begun to flicker once more, "Maybe..." he trailed off, a slight smile showing on his face. "Maybe you're right...but, oddly enough, people here in Guldove seem quite blessed with good health." He chuckled as he looked up, "Gives me more time to study up, I guess... be prepaired." He shook his head slightly, the regret returning, "If only she could be here to see it." He went silent once more.

[Termina, Home World]

Van sighed loudly as he gazed out the window at the people passing by. Undoubtedly they all led exciting lives, lived in splendor in some wondrous place far away, and traveled to wherever they desired. Van wished he was out there with them, instead of stuck inside with his father. But the bill collector was due again today and Van worried that the jerk would kick them out if he wasn't around to stand up for the two of them. Van almost wished the man would hurry up. At least he'd have something to do!

"Van," his father called. "Come help me mix these paints!" Van obediantly left the window and went to his father. Geez, I wish something exciting would happen around here!

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

The goliath bends slightly forward to look at Pip, scratching his helmet a bit. He ponders long and hard and finally comes up with an idea. "IT LOOKS LIKE ONE OF THOSE DIGIMON THINGS THAT MARCY LIKES SO MUCH." he says with a shrug, the power of his voice shaking the cage so that it knocks Pip over. He pokes Pip a bit, causing an odd noise to come from the creature.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"All right!" shouts the purple-haired Deva. "Food time!" He leaps across the room and makes a mad dash through the hallway, knocking over Solt and Peppor on his way to the food.

"T-That hurt." Peppor said as he lifted himself off the ground.

"How painfully painful." Solt agreed. But Karsh just kept on running, he was hungry, and that was that.

[Cape Howl, Alternate World]

"So you're here," a man's voice says from behind Serge.

"He's in the exactly exact place he was supposed to be," comes a second voice.

"So let's get shakin'!" a third shouts. Jumping in front of Serge comes Karsh, Solt and Peppor, all holding their bone axes in their hands.

"Okay, kid," Karsh says. "We've got orders to take you back to Viper Manor, so I suggest you come along quietly."

"Or we'll have to shake it to ya'..." Peppor continues.

"And you'll be in painful pain," Solt concludes.

[Guldove, Home World]

"It ain't yer fault!" Korcha shouts. "Stop being so hard on yerself!" He rears back and hits Doc upside the head with the flat of his hand. "So shut yerself up! And when all else fails, get drunk of your ass!"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Zoah, vill you please be careful? I do not need my experiments upset." Luccia glances back at Zoah and Pip with a bit of a smirk then goes back to poking at her food, not really eating it. More pressing thoughts were on her mind, various things she wanted to try to make that red gloop into the glue it was supposed to be in the first place.

She turned from the food, head tilted back a bit. "Vhat have you been doing lately, Zoah? You have not come to visit me as often, I have assumed you've been on more missions, yes? You used to come much more often."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"I'VE BEEN... GUARDING THE SHADOW FOREST LATELY," he says about as softly as he can even though his voice still shakes the room. "I STILL TRY TO COME AS OFTEN AS I CAN BUT KARSH GETS SUSPICIOUS WHEN HE HEARS MY FOOTSTEPS IN THE HALL PAST MIDNIGHT." He laughs deeply at that. As all residents of Viper Manor knew, Zoah's footsteps were easy to distinguish from that of any other man in the manor with the possible exception of the robotic guards that stand during the night.

"I MUST SAY THAT MARCY HAS BEEN PROGRESSING WELL. HER TRAINING IS GOING ALONG VERY NICELY." His abrupt topic shift was something that most wouldn't do but, for Zoah, it was quite common. There were many things that the helmeted Deva didn't like to talk about.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Luccia nodded, eyes softening a bit - but not much. "I vill have to tell Karsh that you are helping me in the lab, it gets very lonely in here after hours." Luccia cocks her head to the side at the sudden change of subject but easily follows along. "Ah? Yes, I thought that she would," Luccia smiles fondly. Marcy had always reminded her of the good her friend Lucca had done for children, which made Luccia rather fond of the blond-haired mini-Deva.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Zoah nods a bit at the first comment. Smiling, maybe? It was impossible to tell through his mask. "SO, WHAT SHALL I 'HELP' YOU WITH TONIGHT?" he asks slightly. His cat following him, suddenly turns around and glares at Pip.

"MEOW!" it shouts at the caged creature, leaping up at what looks like a giant mouse. Zoah reaches over and picks up his cat, tilting his head back in the way that signifies him rolling his eyes.

"DOWN, GIRL," he says as he moves the cat back to the floor, his voice once again rattling Pip's cage.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Vell, I do need some help with this current experiment - the glue." She smiles a bit, looking down at the slowly hardening red-junk on her clothing. She jumps a bit at the cat's sudden attack of the caged Pip and frowns at the feline, allowing Zoah to admonish it without her conjecture. "Your cat has grown large since I last saw him."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"HER," he responds. "NOT HIM. BUT YES, SHE HAS GROWN." He holds out his arm slightly, allowing the cat to relocate itself to a seat atop his helmet. He looks down at a piece of the red glop on her sleeve and, in a quick movement snaps it off, not damaging her clothing at all. He holds it up a bit to get a closer look, when he suddenly realizes something. "!!! MY FINGERS ARE STUCK TOGETHER..." he says, shaking the room. "ANY IDEAS?"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Luccia chuckles lightly, unable to help herself. "Of course, I am the scientist! I told you this vas glue, it is very good. . ." She walks over to the sink where she had cleaned herself off a bit earlier. "This vill dissolve the glue," she comes back, holding up a small bottle. "But, it vill also sting. Do you tink you can take the pain?" She winks at Zoah, offering a sly grin.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"I DUNNO..." he says in a joking manner, holding out his hand. "SO, DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE GHOST HUNT THAT KARSH HAS BEEN SENT ON?" he asks, abruptly changing the subject. Apparently, the whole manor was confused about it.

[Cape Howl, Alternate World]

"Hold it right there, mate!" A vibrant young blonde haired girl appears suddenly between Karsh and Serge. "Three against one ain't very fair, if ya ask me." she adds, crossing her arms at her chest. "Looks like ya could use some help here." says the girl as she approaches the confused Serge.

[Cape Howl, Alternate World]

"You don't get to decide what's fair,” Karsh argues with her. "Now, boy, will you come along quietly?"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Hmm, only in passing. I haven't been paying much attention to the. . goings on in the manor." She reaches out for Zoah's hand, taking it in both of hers. She then proceeds to drip a bit of the dissolvent onto his fingers, rubbing it with her fingers until the glue disappears. The liquid leaves a slight stinging sensation that only seems to get worse. "Has Karsh been vell?"

[Cape Howl, Alternate World]

Serge blinks. "Quietly? I've got some purple haired guy standing in front of me with a large axe and you want me to come along QUIETLY?! Geez, what do ya take me for? A fool?! I think I'll fight first. You're not taking me alive! Or dead, I guess..." Serge gets into battle position, swallow in front of him. "C'mon, let's go!"

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

An old man emerges from the Zelbess Casino. He is hunched with long gray hair, a gray mustache, and a tooth missing in his mouth. In his right pocket is a deck of playing cards. "I can't believe thiss, I am even more in debt."

Sneff starts to walk down the corridor thinking of someone he could ‘borrow’ some money from, then it hits him. "I know, I'll head down to the Grand SSlam and talk to Janice." Sneff heads down the corridor to the ladder and goes down it. From the bottom of the ladder he heads to the Grand Slam entrance but in his way was a guard.

"Sorry, old man Sneff, I cannot let you through without Cap'n Fargo's permission." says the guard

"What? Ok...but at least let me show you a magic trick."

"Ok...why not?" the guard concludes.

Sneff pulls out a deck of cards and takes them out of the box. "Here, pick a card, any card!"

The guard reaches over and picks a card.

"Now, put it back into the deck."

The guard does so.

"Ready? One..." ::snap:: "Two..." ::snap:: "Three!" ::snap::

There is a puff of smoke and after it clears the guard appears to be a cat.

"SSUCKER," says Sneff as he continues into the Grand Slam. "Janice? Are you in here?" ::slowly advances into the Grand Slam::

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

The deva does not seem to respond to the stinging sensation. He is used to far worse pain. A smile crosses his face as Luccia holds his hand, but of course, she cannot see it. "KARSH HAS BEEN WELL," he replies to her query. "HE LEFT FOR CAPE HOWL NOT TOO LONG AGO."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

After a moment Luccia releases his hand, moving to the sink and washing her own thoroughly with soap. She then dries them off on a near-by towel. "Oh? Vell, I'm glad to hear he is doing good. I don't hear from much of anyone these days." She chuckles softly and turns to look at Pip, sitting quietly in his cage. It didn't really bother Luccia that she was left alone most of the time, that just meant she had more opportunities to experiment.

[Cape Howl, Alternate World]

The battle explosion commences. Karsh, Solt, and Peppor vs. Serge and Kid. Who will win? Log will be posted when the battle is done.

inserted battle: Serge, Kid VS Karsh, Solt, Peppor

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

Janice walks out from behind one of the large cages used to hold a few of the monsters that do battle in the Grand Slam. She hears Sneff calling from the other end of the room. "What do you want, dirty old man?" she retorts. "You BETTER not have the nerve to ask me to lend you more money to blow in another pointless gamble." she adds, tapping one of her carrots against the palm of her left hand warningly. "You stink, Fargo practically owns you as it is."

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

The older man starts to sweat and swallows hard. "Well, Janice I wass wondering if you would be a nice person and let me..." ::gulps:: "...borrow a few dollarss. I have figured out how to win Fargo'ss Game. Please...just a few dollarss...I'll pay you back ass soon as I pay off my debt...please?"

