foxy lady and son goku
foxy lady
son goku and vegeta [DragonBallZ]
Oil and Blood
Royal War
foxy lady
"Gee. Girls are so strange... You have a butt on your chest?" "They're breasts, you moron."
"You can touch, if you want." "Why would I want
to touch your dirty butt?" "It's not dirty,
you jerk!"
"Holek...would you?" "What? Wanna switch shirts?"
Before Death
Angel and Warrior
"Goku, the kids are gone for the whole weekend. We're
all alone, at last. You know what that means, don't you?"
"Of course. Now I will have the whole refrigerator to myself!"
"What's this? Monseiur artist, you are flushed. Monet certainly
wouldn't be flushed."
"Because he paints landscapes..."