Alicia of Riaru, Ally of Anime
written by: Arishia
"A normal American girl finds herself pitched into the Dragon Ball Z world in one of the worse possible places and times. Enemies pop up everywhere. Can she survive the battles and decisions before her? Can everyone else?"
Intro: First of all, this story begins while Gokou, Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta are on Namek. They have just defeated
Recoome. Burter and Jeice fled to find Captain Ginyu. Frieza
is searching for them, as he was before, and never meets Nail.
Second, there are some very important changes that I made to
the DBZ world.
Note: "riaru" means "real" and is what I call our world today. Anime is what I call the DBZ world. "sie" does not mean "of", it's just some word I made up.
Change 1: Shenlong/Porunga. I changed it so that the Namek DBs would call Shenlong instead of Porunga. So both the Namek and Earth DBs summon Shenlong.
Change 2: Gokou is able to become Super Saiya-jin before he meets Frieza.
Change 3: Piccolo will have the ability to both heal and fight, though the healing process is different than that of Dende.
Change 4: Well, let's just say you'll have to read on . . . : )
More of the Ally Universe is available...
Reflections In The Dark | How He Saw Ally | Purple Haze Appearing
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