“Jessie, are you sure this is the only apartment we could pay for that looked nice?”
“Yep. I'm gonna go try out the pool, wanna come?”
“Ya, I'll go. I need a little bit of refreshment.”
“Okay, I call phone.”
“No fair!” yelled Jessie, chasing after Lynn.
“Hi Alicia, come check out our new apartment. It’s on Nephlite Drive.”
“Hi Crystal, come check out our new apartment. It’s on Nephlite Drive.”
“Hi Lily, come check out our new apartment. It’s on Nephlite Drive. Whew, finally done.”
When the girls got there, they went for a dip in the pool. It was a line of big geeks. There was Jessie, Terry, John, and David. They were all wearing tacky swimming trunks. Jessie's were gold, Terry's were blue, John's were red, and David's were black. They all had those Hawaiian flowers on them, yucky.
On the other hand, we looked great in our bikinis. Alicia's bikini was a gold tank top bikini with a regular bottom. Lily's had straps and was red with a little fire bolt in the middle. Crystal's was cut in an upside down triangle and was black with no straps and regular bottom. Lynn's was baby blue and blue, no straps, top was blue with a baby blue center and the bottom was regular and was blue and the sides were baby blue.
It was geeks vs. babes.
“We challenge you to a round of shark attack. It's a five minute game. If we’re still all minnows, we win and you guys have to wear wedding dresses to the mall while you buy us everything we want. If we lose, we have to wear a tuxedo around the mall while buying everything you want. Is it a bet, geeks?”
“Sure! Let’s go.” replied all the guys.
“Ok, everybody jump in the pool.”
Splash! Everyone jumped in the pool. Girls on one side, guys on other.
“Huddle with your team.”
The four girls huddled.
“Ok, our strategy is to stay along the bottom of the pool. If a shark is too close to you, shut your eyes and rip down his pants!”
All of the girls laughed at their plan and straightened up, trying not to laugh.
“READY SET GO!” yelled Lynn, sinking to the bottom of the water. When she got to the top all of the girls were there. “Huddle! This time go to the top ‘cause the guys will think were going down to the bottom of the pool again. READY SET GO!” yelled Lynn, swimming to the other side of the pool again with ease. Again all the girls were there.
“Ok, me and Alicia go to top, Crystal and Lily you go to bottom, k? Lets go! THIS IS THE LAST ROUND GUYS /GEEKS GET OUT YOUR CREDIT CARDS! READY SET GO!”
This time it wasn't so easy. It ended with Lynn going to bottom and Lily going to top, with Crystal and Alicia going to mid-depth.
“We won the bet! We won WE won We won WE WONNNNNNNN!”