Chapter Five

Bulma was snuggled up, fast asleep, but she was curled around Vegeta. Vegeta was also fast asleep with a big, very un-Vegeta-ish grin on his face. Both had on only underwear, but were fortunately under the covers. Dr. Briefs yelped, then stood helplessly staring at the happy sleeping couple.

Dr. Briefs was a little pissed. He didn't want his daughter sleeping with vicious alien people. He decided to teach Bulma a lesson by waking her AND Vegeta up and embarrassing her.

Dr. Briefs shook Bulma, but she didn't wake up. He tried talking to her, taking off the covers (and quickly putting them back again), and finally pouring a cup of cold water on her head. This last strategy worked like a charm. Bulma's eyes snapped open and she sat up quickly in bed, only to see her slightly furious father staring back at her. Also, to Bulma's dismay, when she sat up, it had shaken Vegeta off, and he had woken up as well. His face had a look of such surprise, it was sad that Oolong wasn't there with the porno camera, seeing as Vegeta would never get that look on his face again.

"Bulma," Dr. Briefs said.

"Dad....umm....I can halfway explain....uuhh....can Vegeta leave?"

"What the hell is going on!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Vegeta yelled. "I thought you said your door was locked, Bulma!"

"Heh heh....Dad has a key...."

"No, that thing cannot leave. You two are in for alot of scolding."

"But Dad..."

"Don't talk to me like a child, old man."

"Please leave us alone, Dad?"

"I AM in my young thirties, you know. I'm not a young pup that you can give lectures to."

"BOTH OF YOU BE QUIET!!!" Dr. Briefs finally yelled. Surprisingly, they both did. "Bulma, you have shocked and amazed me with your horibble behavior. Maybe I would have let you if you had asked me first and if you were looking at a...human partner. But a Saiya-Jin without permission? Bulma, that's crude."

"Dad, I'm not a child!!!! I am twenty-eight, and I can make my own desicions! You cannot and will not control me! Get out of my living quarters! I feel like being alone. Vegeta...I think you should leave too." Bulma announced. Dr. Briefs stepped outside, and Vegeta got up, got dressed, and left the house to go and train fiercely in the gravity room for hours on end.

For the whole rest of the day, Bulma stayed in her room and sulked. She sobbed and slept most of the time, and for the rest of the time, she gazed at the picture Oolong had given her. She framed it and put it on her bedside table. I am so mad at my father, he's never been that mad at me, in fact I don't know if he's ever been mad at me before. I think he's scared of Vegeta or something, he's always talking about him like he's some kind of wild animal. I guess he is sometimes, though.

After Vegeta trained his ass of for about five or six hours, including "snack" breaks, he finally sat down in the gravity room and hung his head. Good Lord, Bulma's father is one big bastard to do what he did. Man, I was about to blast him through the wall. Bulma should change her locks if a creep like that has a key to her room. After resting for only a few minutes, he got up, increased the gravity, and sparred with himself even more.

Again, after this ordeal, there was no contact between Bulma and Vegeta for at least a month. The same situation also applied to Bulma and her father. She had not said a word to him for some time, except when he asked her something she had to answer, such as things related to CC business or things Bulma needed to fix or work on. Bulma was virtually untouchable by anyone at this point, she was so steamed and stressed. People tried to talk to her, but with unsuccessful results. ChiChi got a cold shoulder, Krillin got a screaming at and a bump on the head, Oolong got kicked out a window, Bulma's mother also received a cold shoulder, Goku got a crushed foot and a stern telling off, and even Yamcha...well, let's just say Yamcha was in alot of pain.

Dr. Briefs saw what Bulma was doing to everyone around her who was trying to be helpful. She was confused and hurt by her father's invasive actions. Part of the reason why Bulma took it so far was that besides sneaking in on her and Vegeta in bed, he also banned her from even being on the same side of the building as Vegeta for a long, long time and even threatened to kick him out. However, Bulma threw such a crying fit that he had to keep that last idea out of the picture.

It was also doubly hard for everyone else to help Bulma because they didn't even know what the problem was. They had absolutely no idea that Vegeta was remotely attracted to Bulma or vice versa. They were all very confused. Bulma wouldn't tell anyone either, because she was afraid Vegeta's temper would really catch on fire then. As for what Vegeta was up to on the other side of the building was sort of a mystery, since no one that knew about the problem was checking on him.

After about three more weeks of a rather solitary and destructive Bulma, Dr. Briefs got fed up. He decided to let Bulma see Vegeta for a short time.


"I don't want to talk to you."

"Bulma, listen to me."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Bulma...I'm going to allow you to see...him...for a short while. Maybe it you."

"You'll WHAT?"

"You heard me. You know where he is, go on."


Hmm...not even a thanks, thought Dr. Briefs.


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