Chrono Cross : Pre-Game Archives

Karsh: "For numerous reasons, Marcy and I will be sharing an account."

Marcy: "Mainly because, like, I'm too lazy to get my, like, own account."

Karsh: "Yeah... basically that's it. Karsh here..."

Marcy: "Marcy, like, here! Is, like, Nikki here? Or anyone, like else, for that matter?"

Karsh: "Kid's hiding somewhere..."

Orlha: "Yes, everyone has. I guess that's been answered now, though... Well, I'm Orlha, and I'm talking, so I must be here."

Miki: "Miki's here but I won't be for much longer. I'm heading out tonight for Easter vacation, no internet. Talk to you when I get back!" ::grabs Nikki::

Nikki: "Er... Well, Nikki's here... But I'm also running away for the weekend... with Miki... We'll be back Sunday night, I believe. Maybe Monday morning. Sorry we're ditching y'all but it was not planned... Well, it was by Miki's parents... I wasn't going to go but I am now, take care!"

Marcy: "I, like, blame the government."

Karsh: "Why? It's your fault. Zoah and I have a double tech. You need to incorporate yourself in there."

Marcy: "Incorporate...? Bye-bye, Nikki!"

Karsh: "See ya'."

Marcy: "Oh, Karshy and I are, like, going away for a week next week!"

Karsh: "I'm taking her to the mainland for a while. No big deal."

Orlha: "Have fun everyone!"

Karsh: "We will. But it WOULD help if you packed us a keg of beer."

Orlha: ::sigh:: "I'll tell the boss I'm giving you one, but you have to carry it!"

Flea: ::waves frantically, afraid of being left out:: "I'm here, too, and I don't even get a darned vacation!" ::huffs, placing hands on hips::

Norris: Norris loaded his gun quietly before looking up, "I am still here. I'm anxious to test my skills. Hopefully Sir Lynx will soon give me my assignment." He places his gun back into his holster, as he strapped another on the other side, simply for practice, his back to a shooting gallery.

Whipping around he pulled both guns, firing. Stopping only after all targets had been taken out, checking his Chronopiece, "43.8 Seconds!? I think I should apply myself more until my time comes for a mission." The lieutenant raised his hand signaling the training to recommence.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be here, awaiting orders from Sir Lynx." was all he said as he continued to sharpen his skills. Lt. Norris of the Porre Army present and accounted for. ::salutes::

Viper: "I seem to have lost track of Riddel. Anyone seen her around? Oh yes, and Serge, where has he trotted off to? Has he gone off to wherever the heck Nikki and Miki are going? Oh well, now I must go find Viper's Venom. I seem to have forgotten where I placed it. Oh, my old age is getting to me..."

Kid: Kid pops up suddenly from behind Karsh. "What'd ya say 'bout me, mate? I've been right here." ::trys to inconspicuously catch her breath:: "Just out lookin' fer Serge, ya know? Anyone seen 'em around? Serge-kun, get yer arse out here, mate! Looks like at least I ain't the only one that won't be here fer Easter." ::sigh of relief::

Marcy: "Hi! Not going 'till Monday, so hiyee! Who should we, like, kill?"

Karsh: "Hey, boss. I think you left the Viper's Venom in the room next to Luccia's lab."

Marcy: "Hey... was that Flea? She's got, like, winged shoes like me!"

Karsh: "People need to stop stealing things for you..."

Marcy: "It's not MY fault that I'm, like, cute and adoreable."

Karsh: "Ugh..."

Orlha: "Ok... not that it's easy to tell, but... isn't Flea a guy? ...but, I guess with Flea, that doesn't matter anyways. Oh, Karsh, shouldn't I card you first? And you better not share the keg with Marcy! We can all only imagine what a drunk Marcy must be like..."

Marcy: "I want chocolate."

Orlha: "All girls do, and when you are an adult, you'll probably get it throughout one week of every month."

Marcy: "Huh? I don't get it..."

Karsh: "Good."

Karsh: "Stop that! Bartender's aren't supposed to have deep insights! Now, can you get me a beer?"

Orlha: "I voted for Karsh. I like all the devas but Karsh is da man. C'mon, Karshie, blush for me!"

Karsh: "Why would I blush? I know I'm da' man and it was just a poll. You didn't do anything to really make me blush."

Marcy: ::whispers to Orlha:: "Kiss 'im! It'll, like, be funny."

Orlha: "Wait a minute! Yes they are! Who do you think a worried drunk talks to when he's down on his luck?" Orlha shrugs as she fills Karsh's mug, a look of duh! on her face. Orlha kisses Karsh on the cheek just to see if she can make him blush. Looking at Marcy, she chuckles.

Karsh: ::he sips the beer and rolls his eyes:: "Real men don't get worried."

Marcy: "Can I, like, have some beer?"

Karsh: "No."

Orlha: "Ok, whatever you say..." Orlha casts a but we all know better look Marcy's way.

Karsh: !!! ::his cheeks turn a shade of red usually reserved only for hard candy::

Marcy: ::giggles::

Orlha: "Hey, Glenn, come back! We serve demi-humans here!!"

Marcy: "Then why can't I, like, have a beer?"

Karsh: "They don't serve minors."

Marcy: "Grr..."

Kid: Kid watches Karsh and Orlha while propping her chin up on her fist in a bored fashion and thinking to herself. "Why am I even watching all this?" She stands up and begins to wander away. "Serge, where the hell are ya, mate?"

Flea: "And as to earlier comments, I'm male!" ::huffs and tosses braid with a scowl::

Karsh: "Well you don't look it. You've got bigger breasts than most women I know."

Flea: He glares contemptuously and waves a dismissing, yet delicate, hand at Karsh. "You wouldn't know a woman if she slapped you in the face. . . And I'm more than certain that's happened quite a few times."

Orlha: "Ok, Flea, that's it. Park it and have a drink, I'm sure that will make you feel better."

Grobyc: Grobyc is suddenly noticed in the shadows of the room. He has been there the whole time, watching, observing. "...."

Orlha: "Yeah, dude! Flea is definitely a guy, although an extremely androngynous guy, and even if he has boobs, he's still a guy. He's Flea, so that's the point!

Glenn: Glenn sits, leaning against the wall. He looks up for a moment, observing his surroundings. After a moment he goes back to sharpening his blade.

Karsh: "Hey, Glenn. It's been a while." He walks over to the wall and leans back next to Glenn, glad to be with his old friend again.

Marcy: "Hi, Glenny!" ::leaps up into the air and gives Glenn a big hug::

Karsh: "Looks like she's glad to see you, too. Huh, Glenn?"

Flea: "Uh, Yeah! You heard em', I'm male, very-very male. . . But I'm not sure about that androngynous bit. . ."

Karsh: "Don't make me kill you, Flea. I'm sure Marcy would love another pair of the winged sandles you both wear."

Glenn: ::looking up, a small smile on his face:: "Yes, Karsh. It has been a while. It's good to see you again. Why, hello, Marcy! How've you been doing? I've missed you."

Flea: Flea grimaces at Karsh and turns its back, holding its back straight and chin up. "Hmph."

Kid: She tires of looking for Serge so she turns her attention to the tall figure leaning against the wall (Grobyc). She pokes him on the shoulder once or twice to see if he'll move. Nothing. She pokes him again, harder this time, then steps back and blinks as she observes.

Kid has become extremely frustrated with the figure by this time. "What the hell's wrong with this damn thing?! I know I saw it movin' a few minutes ago. Aknowledge me, dammit! SAY SOMETHING!" she growls in irritation. "Who could ignore a cute, helpless, perfectly sweet person like myself?" she asks aloud.

Taking another step back she jumps into the air and delivers a swift kick to the side of its head. Grobyc doesn't move one inch. Kid quickly grabs hold of her leg and yelps once in pain. "The bloody hell! That hurt, it was like kickin' metal or somethin'!" She sits down and holds her sore leg. "What the hell is that thing?" she mumbles.

Serge: Serge sighs and looks around. He was bored and was looking for Kid. He was, rather, looking for a loud blonde shouting at someone, but she may actually be acting sweetly to someone, so he decided to keep his eyes open. Then he spots her. He watches her as she kicks a man and then shouts at him. Serge takes pity and decides to tap Kid on the shoulder. "Kid? You ok?"

Orlha: "Hey Serge! When are you going to give me back my pendant?? You were supposed to give it back when you got your old body but you kept it! What's up with that!? Give it back!!"

Grobyc: ::looks down at Kid for a second then goes back to observing:: "..."

Serge: Serge turns around. "Your pendant...? Oh..heh...well...see, um...I lost it."

Orlha: ::takes a very deep breath:: "Ok, Serge, you can hold onto it for a while longer, just be ready to give it back sooner or later..."

Kid: Kid lets out a disgruntled growl and kicks Grobyc in the leg, lighter this time. "To hell with ya then!" she grumbles as she walks away. "Bet that thing can't even talk, anyway." she mumbles as she runs over to Serge and slaps him across the head. "That's my way of sayin' hello, mate. Where the hell ya been?!" she smiles.

Orlha: ::wiping counter:: "You guys want something to drink? This is a bar, you know." ::smile::

Kid: Kid leans over the bar where Serge and Orlha are talking. She gives Orlha an innocent grin as she asks "What are the chances of me gettin' a drink without gettin' carded?" ::nervous laugh::

Orlha: "Oh, that's easy, Kid." ::leans onto the bar:: "Do you like milk?"

Kid: The smile fades from her face as quickly as it appeared and is replaced with a look of grief. ::anime-style sweatdrop appears over her head now:: She snaps her fingers. "Damn. Well, it was worth a shot. Can't blame me fer tryin', right?" she sighs.

"Milk..." she sticks out her tongue and makes a shuddering motion. "That's okay."

Orlha: "Nice try, though!" ::smiles at Kid::

Grobyc: Grobyc suddenly moves away from the wall and walks over to Serge. He turns and faces Serge with his back to Kid. "Greetings-does-Serge-need-assistance-fighting-today?"

Kid: Kid observes Grobyc now standing between herself and Serge at the bar. "Bloody hell! So yer gonna go and break yer whole 'silent treatment' fer Serge, eh? Looks like I'm gonna need to kick yer arse to the moons fer ignoring me robo-boy!" She shoots him a slight glare from over her shoulder and then childishly sticks out her tongue at him and mumbles the word "Baka."

Orlha: "Hey, take the brawl outside. Go fight out by Doc's place, he needs work."

Kid: She takes a few deep, calming breaths before she brushes her way past Grobyc and closer to Serge. "Where ya been mate?" she smiles, cheering up mildly. She catches a quick glimpse of everyone else who has entered the bar recently. "So, ya came alone? I don't see her with ya." she adds with a very suttle hint of relief.

Fargo: Fargo was getting tired of slashing away at his training dummy with his sword."Maybe I can find some one to talk to." he said as he restrapped his sword in its scabbard and walked away.

Karsh: "What've you been up to?"

Marcy: "I've been good! Doin' lots of stuff! Like, what pendant were they, like, talking about?"

Karsh: "No clue..."

Marcy: "Oh, do you, like, like my new brooch? I, like, found it on the Invincible." ::points to the Blue Brooch somehow pinned onto her breastplate::

Karsh: "That looks... familiar."

Marcy: "Orlha, I like milk! Do you, like, got any chocolate syrup? Serge probably, like, didn't bring Leena because he, like, didn't want you getting hurt, Kid." ::a slight giggle comes from the nine year old, which she muffles quickly::

Orlha: Orlha pulls out a large beer mug and fills it with ice cold milk then places it under a container, mashing the top down with her palm three or four times to squirt chocolate syrup into the mug. Then she takes a long spoon an mixes it in until the milk takes on a dark shade of brown. "There ya go, Marcy." ::smiles::

Marcy: "Hi, daddy!"

Karsh: "Belthasar explained everything to her, Fargo... And she's ready to rejoin your family.."

Marcy: "I, like, could've said that..."

Karsh: "No, you couldn't have."

Marcy: "No?"

Karsh: "No."

Marcy: "Aww..." ::pause:: "Thanks, Orlha!" She sips the chocolate milk slowly but soon finds herself with a chocolate milk mustache. Oh well! She licks her lips and continues drinking.

Karsh: "Heh... I need another beer..." ::holds out the empty mug from his earlier order:: "Put it on my tab."

Orlha: "Alright, tough guy." ::pours Karsh another beer::

Karsh: "Thanks." He takes the beer and sips slowly, looking around the bar. "Damn, I never realized what an odd bunch we were before... Hey, has anyone seen Zoah?"

Orlha: "Keep your eyes open, I think Zoah's a crossdresser."

Kid: ::snickers at Orlha's comment:: "I gotta agree with ya." ::sticks out tongue jokingly:: "But, ya never know, the boy needs to get some pants and a can opener for that big tin can on his head." ::grins mischievously::

Karsh: "I dunno... If he wore much more clothing, he'd stink to high heaven. He sweats too much as it is." He sips his beer and holds his nose with the other hand mockingly. "At least the way he is now he can air out."

Grobyc: Grobyc, not understanding all the irrelivant chatter, heads for the door, passing right by Kid on his way out.

Kid: ::runs over and creats a blockade between Grobyc and the door for a second:: "Don't ya dare ferget about the challenge. I'll come lookin' fer ya when I'm ready ta fight." she grins. "I'm in the arse kickin' mood lately Mr. .... baka." ::she moves out of his way so that he can pass::

Grobyc: "..." Grobyc looks down at Kid then walks out.

Serge: Serge sighs and sits down, watching Kid pick another fight. "Boring...I came to visit her and she argues. Oh well..."

He winces suddenly, hearing a voice thick with a french accent call out from behind him.

Harle: "Bonjour handsome Serge!!" cries out the happy girl.

Serge: "Heh..hi, Harle?"

Harle: "How are you, Serge? Is zat heathen of a girl around? I couldn't find you, dear Serge." Harle smiles at the boy sitting non chalantly.

Serge: Serge merely points to the blonde Aussie shouting at another man...yet again. "There. Better not let her know you're here."

Flea: ::having left the bar:: Flea gazed around himself in wonder, dainty hands smoothing out its skirt without thought. For some reason he was alone, no Ozzie and no Slash (not that Flea minded the absense of either terrible much). Most of all Flea was just confused. How and why was he here? The last thing he could remember was a fight and. . . Nothing. . . Nothing besides that remained. Flea continued to look around, and after about a half an hour of recognizing nothing began to walk, hoping to find someone that would tell him what was going on.

Marcy: "Karsh, like, seems to have left..."

Karsh: "Gotcha. Talk about Orlha's boobs." ::smirks::

Orlha: "Thanks, Karsh! You sweetie!" ::blows a kiss::

Marcy: ::pokes Karsh:: "Um... Orlha... Is his face, like, SUPPOSED to be that red?"

Orlha: "Sure is, Marcy! Now I think he's staring at my cleavage! What have I gotten myself into?"

Marcy: ::slight giggle:: "Don't you, like, want him to stare?"

Orlha: "I like the attention..." ::chuckles at Marcy:: "...but who wouldn't?" ::pours Karsh a mug::

Karsh: "Thank you very much."

Ozzie: The gargantuan imp floats in, his belly shaking like a bowl full of jello. He wears his white robe rather than his bronze armor, though he still has his full head of short brown hair. "Gyah ha ha! Hello!"

Karsh: "Oh, great..."

Marcy: "...Santa?"

Ozzie: "EVERYONE'S a big Ozzie fan! For Ozzie is great!"

Karsh: "NOBODY likes Ozzie!"

Ozzie: "Everyone loves me."

Marcy: "...I'm thirsty..."

Orlha: "Oh, Ozzie, I still have your pants...Ok, that did NOT sound right!" ::sweatdrop::

Ozzie: "Shh! Nobody's supposed to know I was at your house and especially why I left my pants there!" He quickly covers Orlha's mouth to prevent her from saying anything further.

Orlha: "Actually, I just beat you up, remember? Why do you drop your pants everytime you get beat up? That is wierd, you know..."

Riddel: A spot of light grows out in the floor and tendrils of energy twist around as a familiar figure rises from the glow quickly, landing on her feet as the circle of light dissipates like snow. "Daddy? Karsh, Marcy! What a pleasant suprise! Wasn't daddy looking for me?" ::looks around:: "Oh, my. What a crowd." ::sweatdrop::

Doc: Doc sits at the bar drinking the doubt away, "Say Orhla, I've often wondered what this stuff is you've been mixing together and giving me all the time I come here..." Lifting his nose to the edge of the glass, the smell of alcohol quite obvious. Smiling slightly with a shrug, Doc downs it and procedes to become dazed.

Norris: Norris finishes washing the dishes, muttering in the back of his mind, Why a DISHWASHER!? Couldn't our sleeper agent have been placed higher in rank than their COOK!? Wiping his hands off he walked out of the kitchen, freezing as he noticed at least two of the Acacia Dragoons were now present. This is either a fateful coincidence or I'm halucinating from palmalive fumes... He thought to himself, finding this quite ironic. Approaching, he sat at a neighboring table, simply observing, ordering a drink as he began to relax, finally able to sit down...his quarry seemingly feet from him now.

Orlha: "I call it the Black Piranha. You know you're the first person I experiment on, Doc. I think I can start experimenting on Karsh, now, though. I'm sure he's got an iron consitution."

Riddel: "Oh my... Karsh, please don't hurt yourself volunteering!"

Orlha: "Oh, c'mon! I was joking, you know I'm the best when it comes to mixing drinks."

Riddel: "I shall have to take your word for it."

Serge: Serge shakes his head sadly. "Orlha...Don't say for someone to spit your head back out..." ::watches her head roll, and roll, and roll:: ... ::sweatdrop::

Harle: Harles smirks. "Ah, madamoiselle...vous asked for vorte zos head, did you not?" Harles tosses Orlha her plastic head.

Kid: ::almost catches herself smiling at something Harle did and quickly regains a scowl:: "Hmph..."

Orlha: "It's an expression..." ::sigh::

Doc: Doc smiles, "I like bein' your guinnea pig Orhla, jus' keep them coming..." smiling dazed and giving a sigh as he looks into the drink, his gnawing sense of regret seemingly more persistant than normal as the memory of his failure to save her returns to him. "At least this way I know I'm good for something..."

Norris: Norris chuckles as he watches the Acacia Dragoon Devas, closely waiting for an opening. This must be no coincidence...but where's the tall one? I know Sir Dario is missing, but there should still be three, or is my information not quite current? he thought to himself.

Orlha: "Stop kicking yourself, Doc, you've done your best. Now, try this drink..."

Marcy: "HI!!!!!"

Karsh: "Hello again, Miss Riddel."

Riddel: "You don't have to be proper with me. We're friends, right?" ::kissing Karsh gently on the cheek:: "And how are you, Marcy?" ::kneels and kisses Marcy on the cheek:: "How has your day been? Either of you seen Daddy?"

Orlha: "You want something to drink, Riddel?"

Riddel: ::standing:: "Yes. Milk, please."

Karsh: "Of course, Riddel! If the big-bad Lynx comes back, I'll have to protect you! And the best way to do that is by practicing my fighting skills! Don't want you getting hurt now, do I?"

Marcy: "Like, give it up... Dario's, like, not dead anymore..."

Karsh: ::rolls his eyes:: He smirks a bit, his face tightening harshly to prevent that smirk from becoming a full-blown smile, something that refused to cross this dragoon's face. "You're my boss' daughter. It's only proper."

Marcy: "I've been, like, fine! Uhh... Riddel? You know, like, those old dresses you were saving for when I got older? We should, like, give some to Kid so she'll look more lady-like!

Riddel: "Oh, Karsh. I'm you're childhood friend! Daddy feels the same way, you know that." ::looks to Marcy:: "Oh, dear. I don't think Kid wants to look lady like."

Karsh: "It still feels more comfortable to call you Miss Riddel. You've never seemed to complain to Glenn."

Marcy: "It'd, like, be good for her. It's to make Sergey, like, want her to be his girlfriend."

Karsh: "Of course. All men would much rather their girl be lady-like. That's why we've been TRYING to train Marcy to be a lady... Dammit... Too bad Zoah thinks differently..."

Marcy: "What? Zoah says I'm a VERY GOOD LADY!"

Karsh: "Ugh..." ::rolls his eyes::

Riddel: ::sigh of resignation::

Orlha: "I still think Zoah is a crossdresser."

Riddel: "Oh, my! Orlha!"

Orlha: "It's true! He fits the bill perfectly! Macho man by day..."

Riddel: "Oh, but it explains so many things..."

Orlha: ::chuckle:: "Anyways, I think Leena's better for Serge anyways."

Riddel: "You shouldn't dabble in people's love lives..."

Orlha: "But it's so much fun!!"

Kid: ::walks over to Orlha and everyone at the bar:: "Anyone seen that Grobyc fella around lately? Feels like a good day fer a bout or two." ::looks over at Serge and tries her best to ignore Harle:: "You gettin' tired of bein' in this bar yet, mate? I can only stay here so long before I start to lose my sanity, ya know? Feel like goin' somewhere?"

Karsh: "How do you lose something you don't own?

I don't think Zoah's a cross-dresser... His entire wardrobe consists only of loin-cloths and steel plates... And yes, Leena is definatly better for Serge, but you DO want the kid to marry a princess, donja? It's only fair. He DID save the world."

Kid: ::shoots a glare at Karsh:: "Hey, I heard that. What's that supposed 'ta mean? ::she crosses her arms and turns away:: hmph

Orlha: "I disagree. I feel like we all did our part, I don't credit one person alone."

Riddel: "I certainly wouldn't claim a trophy."

Orlha: "... Anyways, Serge is such a gentle spirit, while Kid is so... rowdy. She needs someone as wild as she is... like... umm... like..."

Riddel: "... Any names coming to mind?"

Orlha: "Nope."

Karsh: "We all did our part, but it was really Serge in the end..."

Marcy: "Like, how about Korcha for Kid? He's crazy and, like, wears about as much as she does. Besides, he loves her!"

Orlha: "Good call. Korcha and Kid!"

Karsh: "Hey Orlha, can I have another beer?"

Marcy: "Watch as the deva skillfully avoid answering..."

Kid: Kid overhears Orlha and Riddel's conversation and turns toward them. "Sweet innocent me, rowdy? nah. Can't be." ::grins::

She then overhears Marcy's comment and dives under a nearby table. Her face turns a pale shade of red. "Hope he's forgetten all about that little deal he mentioned before." she murmers to herself, a table cloth draped around her head. "That kid's too damn forward fer me, mates." She sits indian-style on the floor and tweedles her thumbs as a red line appears over her nose. "Yeah right..."

Orlha: ::fights back a smile while pouring Karsh a beer:: "Working on a documentary, Marcy?" ::smile::

Karsh: "Thanks, babe." ::takes the mug and sips slowly::

Marcy: "And now observe as the Deva, like, casually compliments the female. This, from what I've heared is, like, part of the mating ritual."

Karsh: "...Stop that."

Serge: "Oh, sure, Kid. And have Harle jumping down my back about being seen with...whatever new name she's calling you? If she's not paying attention, though, I think we can slip out of here..." ::looks around and sees Harle not paying attention, then grabs Kid's hand and runs::

Harle: ::blinks at where Serge was:: "MON SERGE!!!!!!! Where are you? Oh, where could he have gone...? Is he with that ruffian again? That blonde haired...! GRR!!!! We'll see about this." ::starts to look around for Serge and Kid::

Kid: ::still running/turns back to make sure Harle wasn't around to hear anything:: She back looks over at Serge. "So where to, mate?"

Serge: Serge stops, thinking there's enough distance between him and Harle. "Let's plop down here. I think this'd be a nice spot. We're hidden from view." ::sits down and sprawls out on the floor, sitting well enough from view::

Harle: ::runs behind the bar and pokes Marcy:: "Excuzey moi, but have you seen Mon Serge?"

Marcy: "Yuppers. He left with the Austrian."

Karsh: "Marcy, that's AUSTRALIAN."

Marcy: "...Oh. Well, he's over there..." ::points at Serge::

Orlha: "Zoah the crossdresser? Welcome to our little world! Want to borrow a dress from Riddel?"

Riddel: "Oh, my, I'm certain they wouldn't fit..."

Orlha: "Maybe you should check with Macha."

Riddel: "Orlha, you are terrible!"

Marcy: "I caught Magus," shouts the high-pitched voice of the blonde in the pink dress. She smiles and laughs, holding up the picture of Pocket Magus that she caught. She jumps up and claps her hands, and then jumps away.

Karsh: "Hey, I caught Orlha before hand..." the axe-weilder responds.

Korcha: "Hahah! I did better than you both!" responds the Guldovian boy. "I caught my wife-to-be... KID! Has anybody seen her around? I got a ring!" He holds up a small, blue box, obviously containing some sort of Jewelry, and most likely the ring which Korcha mentioned.

Karsh: "I caught YUFFIE!" Karsh shouts as he twirls around, holding up his fingers in a "v" sign in an Ash Ketchum-like manor. He holds Yuffie in his arms as he does this and smirks. He then snatches the ball up and forces Yuffie to return into it.

Korcha: "You're insane..."

Flea: ::glares at Ozzie:: "Dun' touch me. . ."

Ozzie: The overgrown imp looks down at flea, annoyed. "How many times have I told you to lose the vest?" has asks rhetorically. "It makes you look like a girl, I said. Guys will start asking you out, I said. But did you listen? Nooo. You NEVER listen to Ozzie untill it comes down to your PAYCHECK." He rolls his eyes once more and starts to float away.

Flea: Flea tosses its hair. . . Or rather it's braid so that it smacks Ozzie right in the back of the head. "This vest provides me with more protection than looking how you think I should is worth. Besides, I think it rather flatters me." Flea takes out a mirror and gazes at itself, turning its head this way and that for different angles.

Orlha: "Ozzie, I'm sure Flea already knows he's pretty. Knowing Flea, that's the point." ::grin::

Riddel: "I get a similar impression..."

Flea: Flea smiles to Orlha and Riddel, winking. "At least someone understands!!" Flea strikes a triumphant pose.

Orlha: "There's nothing wrong with being pretty, Flea! You go!!"

Riddel: ::chuckle::

Ozzie: "Bah!" Growles the leader of the mystics. "Generals should not be pretty, they should be intimidating!"

Orlha: "And what better to intimidate a big macho type opponent then a bananna like Flea?"

Flea: "Banana?" Flea momentarily looks confused, scratching at its head, one pointed ear twitching lightly. "Why do I feel insulted, yet praised at the same time?"

Orlha: ::chuckle:: "Because..."

Riddel: "Bananna?" ::giggle::

Kid: Kid overhears the comment made by Korcha and her face turns a pale shade of red. She whispers over to Serge, "What're the chances of us slippin' outta Guldove without bein' seen by either of 'em, mate?" ::nervous laugh::

Norris: Norris blinks, staring on at Flea, "I find the mere multi-leveled gender-ambiguity, of Role, body and behavior Flea shows to be perplexing enough. The previous notion of a living being seemingly of NEITHER true gender being homosexual gives me a migrane. " He looks on to the it, that is Flea, "No offense is meant, but you truely are hard to grasp conseptually as you are. Though the idea of discovering the truth of that mystery is both unsettling and enticing at the same time...truely a dangerous middleground to tread." he continues downing his drink, looking to Karsh, "Unless you've forgotten, I denounced the Porre Military in the simple act of joining Serge's troupe, true at first I thought he was my commander, Sir Lynx, but with time my concience eccepted the truth about Porre and I left. Once they all realise my true allegiance I'll be as hunted as the rest. Though for the time being we can use my contacts to exploit their resources." He finishes his drink, hoping his speach would get Karsh off his back.

Doc: Doc smiled, "See?, a virgin I tell you... He still believe in the 'Just World Phenomenon, and also in following the guidance of others. I'm guessing he could go either way though. I know it's Ironic to say, but reeally it's up to Fate to decide...who knows he might just die a Virgin."

Norris: Norris shruggs, setting his gun on the table as he relaxes.

Doc: Both of them go silent for their personal reasons, Doc looking on at Orlha drinking what she gave him, thinking in silence, ~Intriguing, I could almost swear this drink amplifies her...~ his thought no longer coherent after his mind wanders.

Norris: Norris, continues looking around, ~This wait is maddening, if this waiting continues I swear I'll go insane.~ His trigger finger twitching slightly.

Flea: Flea gazes at Norris in obvious confusion, large eyes blinking slowly. "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be offended. . . Hell, I'm not sure I know what you said." A delicate hand raises to scratch at its head and it shifts uncomfortably for a moment. "I guess. . . I forgive you, though." Flea wanders off to the corner to try and figure out if he should have gotten angry or not.

Ozzie: "How about a stronger guy with a demonic sword?" the Mystic suggests, obviously reffering to his preffered general.

Marcy: "...Can I have a bannana?"

Karsh: "Make mine a banana split."

Orlha: "Ok." ::prepares two bananna splits:: "Chocolate syrup or no?"

Riddel: "Is it me or is there roughly forty people in this pub right now...?"

Norris: Norris blink, not fully understanding the theory of what he said himself. Shrugging he continued drinking. Looking around as he noticed how overly crowded things were becoming.

Doc: Doc smiled, to Orlha, "I'll have one of your special Banana Splits too, if it's alright. You always did know just how ta make'em" His speach and shifting emphasis as his eyes wandered signified he was now officially drunk.

Norris: Norris looked over to Riddel, ~I believe befriending and becoming close to Lady Riddel would be the easiest means for me to gain better position than simple dishwasher...perhapse even allowing me to further my investigation of the Dragoon Devas...~ he tried to stand, finding it hard to in this crowd.

Marcy: "No chocolate for me," replies the youngest of the devas. "I gotta, like, watch my weight, you know."

Karsh: "Heh," Karsh laughs at the little girl. "I could go for some chocolate."

"I don't care whatja did," responds the axe-weilding deva. "You're no more important then the rest of us. So when are you gonna come out of the closet?" The deva then turns to look at Doc, his purple hair slightly twirling as his head does. "He's gay. He just doesn't know it yet."

Korcha: Meanwhile, the Guldovian leans stands in the doorway, looking to see if Kid is anywhere nearby.

Karsh: The axe-weilding deva walks over towards Miss Riddel, passing by Norris on the way. Easily passing by Norris through the crowd, he laughs and quickly juts out his arm in the direction of the Porre soldier. Unless somehow Norris moves through the crowd that he can barely stand up in, he'll find himself knocked over onto the floor. He sits down next to Miss Riddel and turns his head to her. "So, how are you, Miss Riddel?" he says, smirking a bit.

Norris: Norris puts his hands together, silently glaring at Karsh, ~Perhaps I could simply assassinate one of the Devas in secret and just prove my battle prowess and replace them. No, as I recall, the Dragoon only accept melee combat. Oh well, still...I COULD simply get into a shouting argument, and make myself look like a jackass, OR I could just ignore the long-purple-haired man wearing white linen's personal opinions. While shouting would be fun at first, it'd simply make me look the fool and give him the control advantage making me do things I'd regret and might get killed for... I think I'll just ignore those remarks.~ he settled back into his chair, Karsh's voice now sounding more like a muffled animal's cries as he blocked him out.

Doc: Doc shook his head, "Chronic Virgin, Karsh. Look, he don't show interest in either man nor woman, which tells me he's never had either, so he doesn't have the want of either." Smiling dazedly he looked back to Orlha, "I'd be yur slave for a week if you could add s'more Rocky Road to that Banana Split..." He smiled, hoping he'd get the extra scoop, he had been addicted to it since they were children, in his drunken state his freedom for a week was a small price to pay.

Norris: Norris' right eye twitched with aggitation at the lack of people dropping the subject, "When do we start? I suddenly feel the need to shoot something." He spoke through gritted teeth.

Riddel: Riddel's large, red eyes blink with sincerity as she sighs, "I'm alright, Karsh, I'm doing quite fine. How are you feeling today?" she asks with a sweet smile.

Serge: ::looks around, then back at Kid:: "I think-ah!" ::feels a foot stomp into his mouth due to the too many people in the bar:: "Kif, hef he!" (translated: Kid, help me!) ::flails his arms helplessly, searching for a way to get free::

Harle: ::sits down at the bar, depressed:: "Mon Serge...has left me for her!" ::slams her fist onto the bar:: "OF ALL THINGS! WELL! I won't stand for it!" Harle stands up and spots Kid and Serge instantly.

Zoah: "WHAT ARE YOU UP TO, SIR NORRIS?" comes the booming voice of the mammoth deva as he walks next to Norris. "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU SINCE WE DEFEATED THE TIME DEVOURERER." He looks down at Norris, smiling maybe? It was impossible to know for sure what the emotions were behind his helmet.

Norris: "I'm feeling very well," he responds. "Just spending some time with you is good enough for me." So what if she was engaged? Dario was gone in this world, and as long as the time devourer was gone, the only way to pass between worlds was Kid's teleportation device. Besides, it was all in fun.

Korcha: Glancing over at Serge and Kid is the fishing-pole weilding Guldovian. He runs towards Kid, arms outstreched, and leaps forward to give her a hug. "I was worried aboutCHA!" he exclaims as he throws his arms about her.

Grobyc: Grobyc quitely walks back in the rooms, searching for Norris. He stands in the middle of the doorway looking around the room.

Riddel: Riddel looked down nervously, blushing underneath Karsh's compliments, "You shouldn't flatter me so..." she mumbled with a smile as she looked up at him.

"It is good to see you and the others again!" she said with a broad smile as her large eyes scanned the area.

"Zoah! How are you?" she called out with a modest wave.

Kid: ::blink blink:: " ..ta.. see ..yer here..." ::face turns beet red as she glances over at Serge with a quite original look on her face::

::sniffles while observing Doc and Norris:: "Are me and Marcy the only people in Guldove that ain't drinkin'?!" ::makes a pouty face at Orlha:: "I'm almost old enough, 'cmon 'cmon, have a heart!" ::gets in begging pose and sniffles:: "How can you say 'no' to a face like this?"

Orlha: "Well, that face isn't 21 years old yet, and I'd like to keep my bartender's liscense." :-)

Karsh: "Flatter you?" Karsh asks with a faux puzzled look. "But I am only speaking truth."

Zoah: From the other side of the room comes the booming voice of Zoah saying nothing but, "I AM FINE, MISS RIDDEL."

Korcha: Reaching over to his side, the Guldovian fisherman pulls off a neat trick that he learned long ago. Unseen by Orlha, his fishing rod goes under the counter, snatching a pair of mugs. The mugs are pulled slightly under a keg when the rod whips the keg, causing a hole in the top that allows just enough beer to pour out to fill the two cups. As the beer levels right below the whole, a whip of the fishing line pulls the two glasses of beer down to his feet, which he reels in and catches, holding one out to his beloved Kid. But no body else notices this amazing feat, as Korcha has done it hundreds of times before without Orlha's knowledge. "Something to drink?" he whispers to Kid as he nudges her with the glass.

Orlha: Orlha stops wiping the counter for a second and looks to the keg as it drips, "Damndest thing..." she shrugs, "This things always leaking like somebody's used it!! And it's always the keg I'm using..." She shakes her head and sighs, going back to wiping the counter after taking another sip of her pina colada.

Riddel: Riddel chuckles, "Must he always shout like that? He's been doing it forever..."

She looks back over at Karsh, "You really are too kind."

Karsh: "He ain't shouting," responds the purple haired deva. "That's his natural voice. Trust me, I've heared him shout, and you don't wanna hear him shout."

Riddel: "Oh, stop." Riddel chuckled, punching Karsh in the arm lightly, "I've known him a long time, too, I know what you mean... I wonder what it sounds like when he whispers, though..." Riddel chuckled at the thought.

Karsh: "IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS!" Karsh jokingly yells into Riddel's ear, not quite as loudly as Zoah's normal voice.

Riddel: Riddel grinned and pushed Karsh back playfully, "I didn't need a demonstration!" she giggles as she takes a deep breath and smiles at Orlha, "Please, may I perhaps have something to drink?"

Orlha: Orlha looks up at her, "Milk again?"

Riddel: Riddel nodded, "Yes, more milk, please."

Karsh: "Ahh, get me another beer!" the axe-weilder smirks. "This'll be my... fifth one, right? God bless this thing known as tolerance!"

Kid: ::blinks:: "Kick ass move ya got, mate!" ::looks at Korcha and then at the cold beer sitting in her hands:: "Not bad! Maybe fishin' ain't such a bad past time after all."

Irenes: ::walk/waddles into Guldove:: "Nice place here" She walks into bar. "I vould like a drink.". ::walks over to bar and sits down:: "Vater please."

Orlha: ::broad grin:: "Hi, Irenes!! Water it is! At least you aren't getting drunk off milk like Riddel." ::pours Irenes a tall mug of water::

Marcy: "Like, don't worry, Auntie Irenes," the young deva says to the mermaid. "There's, like, no story yet! Just come into the bar!"

Korcha: "I think I deserve a little... something for that?" Korcha smiles and leans towards Kid, puckering up his lips to her.

Kid: Kid turns slightly more red then she had been before as she watches Korcha. "Er...that is ta say..." She gets up and stretches in a quick repeated, athletic motion. "Gettin' kinda cramped in here all of 'a sudden." ::nervous laugh::

Korcha: "Well then," Korcha starts, "how about the two of us go take a walk?"

Serge: ::stands up on a table:: "Ok, everyone. Out. We're starting the real RPG. Get over it, ok?"
