Chrono Cross : Archives
"Okay, kid." starts the purple haired dragoon. "Are you going
to come along quietly?"
"Quietly? No way!" Serge shouts back at the purple haired man. "What kinda idiot would do that?"
"Someone who didn't wish to be hurt."
"Well...I bet I can take you."
"S-Sir Karsh," Peppor says with his usual stuter. "Isn't this boy supposed to be a ghost?"
"He looks alively alive to me," Solt comments.
"Listen, he's here, just as he said he'd be! So let's get him!" Karsh shouts as he twirls his axe, pointing it towards Serge.
He blinks and thinks to himself. Ok, what have I gotten myself into...?
"Now kid," Karsh continues, "are you sure you want to take on all three of us?"
"Yes!" Serge stands up straight, defiantly.
"Or will you be quietly quiet and come along?"
"What the heck are ya talkin' about, ya wierdos? Yer not bein' fair,
that's fer damn sure." she stands by Serge's side. "I'll help ya out, mate!"
"Who the hell are you?" Karsh asks.
She crosses her arms and smiles. "Why should I tell ya, mate?"
"L-Let's get shakin!" Peppor shouts. "W-We don't have time
to waste!"
Serge just nods, not sure what to say exactly.
"Right, let's get him!" As Karsh shouts this the battle explosion
appears in the center, bringing them into a fight sequence.
"Sir Karsh, his innately innate is WHITE!" Solt says as the fight starts.
"Right," Karsh agrees. "So attack him with a spell of the
opposite innate, BLACK!"
"I'm sorrily sorry but I don't seem to have any black elements."
"You fool, you should always keep elements of all colors with
you at all time!" shouts Karsh. "Peppor, attack him with a black element!"
"I'm shakin' in my boots to tell you this," Peppor starts. "but I don't have any black elements. I guess you'll need to show us how it's done."
Karsh pauses for a moment at that. "... Real men don't need magic when they can fight with their might! Solt, go!"
Rushing at Serge, Solt rears back the long-handled axe and swings it around, letting loose a feirce slash towards Serge's midsection.
Serge takes the hit with a smirk on his face and then dashes forward towards Karsh, releasing a volley of physical attacks upon him.
Karsh leaps back a few feet with every slice that Serge makes.
Though the blue haired boy is fast, he isn't fast enough. The purple-haired one
has quick reflexes and lots of training. Serge finds his swallow slicing nothing but air as Karsh dodges each and every swing that Serge makes against him. Karsh laughs a bit as Serge fails the cut attempt and he starts to run toward the heroes.
He was supposed to bring in Serge alive so, instead of attacking the swallow weilder, he runs towards Kid with his axe out by his side. His baggy pants flow backwards as he goes against the wind, running toward the red innate. He pulls back his arm and swings it down once across her chest. Quickly, he pulls the axe back again and slices vertically down her. He then lets loose a powerful leap back, landing over ten feet away, where he holds his axe up in front of him and breathes deeply to regain his stamina.
Kid staggers backward and wipes away a small stream of blood. She then draws her knife and holds it defensively in front of herself. "I'm here fer ya, kid." she comments, looking over at Serge. "We'll kick their arses to the moons!" With that, she is surrounded by a massive red aura as she releases an intensly hot magma bomb attack on the group.
As the magma bomb flies through the air towards Karsh, Solt, and
Peppor, the three each take different manuvers. Solt tries to jump aside but
his leap only causes himself to trip. The magma bomb hits him, knocking him
over on his arse as Kid would call it.
Peppor stands firm at the magma bomb and he allows it to hit him square in the chest. Though his innate is yellow, he uses red tech skills. The red element attack doesn't do as much damage as Kid had hoped, only knocking him backwards a bit.
Karsh takes a different approach. As the magma bomb flies through the air, he stands firm untill it is almost in contant with him. The axe wielding dragoon deva slices his axe through the air, cutting the magma bomb in half. While this protects him, it does deflect the attack to Solt and Peppor, knocking them both backwards a bit while Karsh remains unharmed. "Nice try, child," he scoffs. "but not nice enough."
Peppor rushes at Kid, as well. Slightly smarter than Solt, he realizes a potential strategy. Take out one person at a time. So, he rears back his sword and lets loose a powerful slash across Kid's chest.
Kid raises her arms in an attempt to protect her upper body from the blunt of the attack. Her right arm falls to her side, bleeding moderatley.
"Oh, hell. These guys are a bunch of goons." Serge mumbles.
Solt rushes at Serge and slashes at him with his bone axe. "Take
Serge smirks and takes the weak blow. "That all
ya got?" Serge crouches slightly and then unleashes a photon beam at Karsh.
Karsh stands firm as the level one element is blasted at him. He
slides back about half a foot as it hits him square in the chest but no more than that. He gets a look of fire in his eyes, quite annoyed now.
He moves his right hand up to his mouth and sticks in his thumb and forefinger. Karsh lets loose a powerful whistle and, suddenly, the sound of something galloping up the cape is heared from behind Karsh. A dragon-like creature is seen behind him and he leaps high into the air, landing on the creature's back. As the dragon runs along, Karsh holds out the axe to the side. He runs by Kid, the axe threatening to slice along her in the waist if not blocked. Suddenly, Karsh leaps off the dragon, landing back into his original position. With that, the dragon soon fades out of existance.
Kid watches the axe fly at her and makes a split second decision.
Holding her dagger painfully with both hands, she propells herself at the axe in an attempt
to jump over it. The dagger blocks much of the blow but her right arm becomes
completely useless. Holding the dagger in her left hand now, she glares at Karsh. In one quick
surge of power, she creates a fireball attack to release upon them. "Let's see ya...take...this, mates."
Karsh spaces his legs out a bit more as Kid's fireball comes
hurtling toward him. He holds out his left arm infront of him to absorb the blow,
but still allows it to hit him. The attack hits, doing approximatly ten hit points of
damage, which isn't very much.
"T-Take this!" Peppor says as he rears back and tilts forward,
running toward the girl. He holds out the axe and attempts to slice her with his axe before jumping backwards.
Kid shifts her body to the right and braces her dagger against Peppor's large axe.
"Hey, girl?! Are you ok?!"
"She'll be fine," Karsh comments, "If you come with us."
Kid grumbles something about stupid food names as she holds her sore arm. "Don't ya give in to 'em, mate!"
"But..." Serge shakes his head. "You shouldn't
be getting hurt like this!"
"We don't want to hurt you."
"W-we dont?" Peppor asks. "Why do we want him, anyway?"
Karsh blinks a few times at this, pausing for a moment untill he comes up with a suitable response. "Because it's what we're getting paid to do!"
"Oh... R-Right."
" don't even really know?" Serge blinks.
"Then there's no need for you to take me in, now is there?"
Kid stumbles back and continues to clutch her bleeding arm. She seems to be laughing a little. "You idiots don't even know what ya want this
innocent guy fer? Just a bunch of lackies takin' orders for a coward, no doubt."
He walks over to the girl and helps her stand up
straight. "You gonna be ok...?"
She winces once and then turns to look at him, concealing most of her pain. "I'll be fine, mate."
"He is not a coward. Do you expect a senior citizen to fight for
himself?" Karsh asks, slightly annoyed.
"Yer still nothin' but a bunch of lackies." she replies.
"Lacky!" Serge sticks his tongue out in mockery.
"Meh," Karsh responds. "You coming along quietly now?"
"No way!" Serge retorts.
"That's the way, mate! Never give in to 'em!" Kid adds.
"Well, Karsh?" Serge smirks. He dashes at Karsh in a fury and releases
multiple physical attacks, aiming for different parts of his body with the swallow. He pauses to jump back into his original spot, breathing heavily.
Karsh falls back slightly from the attack, still keeping his fighting
stance. He manages to block a few of the slices with his bone axe but still gets a slight cut on his left shoulder. "That's it..." The purple haired deva mutters. "I'm finishing this now...."
Serge gulps. "Get ready..."
Kid braces herself as best she can.
The deva bends forward slightly as he holds out the bone axe.
The bright sun glimmers off the axe as he twists it around in his hand. The deva
kicks off powerfully with his left foot and leaps into the air, swinging the axe as he flies. His long purple hair flows up through the air as he flies in mid jump. The wind blows along his loose-fitting
clothing, which flows backwards as he goes forward.
Serge grits his teeth and looks at Karsh charging.
He lands with a thud right in front of Kid, bent down as far as he could. He sticks his axe forward, right up to her, and then kicks off once again. The green-innate deva catapults himself high into the air as the axe would, if not blocked, slice vertically from Kid's waist up to her nose before he would pull it away. A green streak of energy is left behind as though the axe was a glowing light at midnight. This is similar to that of the Climhazzard move, which is known to many.
As he leaps through the air, he lands down with his axe aimed at Kid's left shoulder, the green energy still flowing from the back of his axe. Once hitting the ground again, he bends backward and does a third powerful leap, returning to the position he was in when he had started the attack.
Kid's eyes widen as she watches the deva advance. "Shimatta..." is
all she can utter. She braces her injured body as best she can and prepares for the
worst. She clenches her eyes and turns her head. "Dammit." she utters in a very low tone.
As the attack connects with her body she does everything that she can to remain standing but this is impossible for someone in her state. "I'm sorry...mate..." she whispers as she falls over. "My body can't take anymore."
He looks to the fallen girl and nods, smiling. "Nothing was asked of you at all..."
"It's a shame that we had to do that..." Karsh says softly. "Will you
come with us now or do we have to cause FURTHER harm?"
"No, I'll go. Just leave the girl alone." Serge says,
taking a step forward.
"Solt..." He gestures for the lanky one to stand behind Serge. Solt moves over to Serge and points the axe in his back, forcing him to walk forward. "Follow me," Karsh says,
walking off. "Oh, and Peppor... drop the girl off in Arni Villiage. Someone there can heal her." He walks down the cape as Peppor walks over to Kid.