Vejitasei : Story Archives : 301-320

Entry 301

"Anything horror-related is great by me!" Minako yells. "I'm in the mood for a scare!" With that, she grabs Rei-chan's arm and runs toward the town cinema. "Come on! Let's go!"

-- Minako

Entry 302

"Minako-chan! Don't rip my arm off!" Rei yells frantically, trying to get herslef to stand up the correct way. She could hear Minako giggle and she growled. "Let go Minako! I'll follow you! Just please don't rip my arm off!"

-- Rei

Entry 303

"Hey guys, wait up!" Usagi yelled after them. "You don't mind running do ya , Princess?" Usagi asked before running off and dragging Ami behind her. "Come on, Ami-chan!"

-- Usagi

Entry 304

"Sorry about losing your friend. Let's go see if we can catch up with Juuhachigou. I wonder where she and Marron went to... Oh well. Lets go, time girl." He grabs Setsuna's wrist and flies off as fast as he can.

"Isn't this fun, Setsuna? Setsuna? Ahh!!!" ::flies down and catches her:: "Sorry I dropped you! I've been doing that alot lately."

-- Kuririn

Entry 305

Shampoo hops on her bicycle and pedals to catch up with them. "Shampoo like horror! Scary movies funny."

-- Shampoo

Entry 306

::crosses her arms:: "You're doing that on purpose, Kuririn. So stop it. So, where are we headed?"

-- Setsuna

Entry 307

Chibiusa looks up at Cosmos and gulps. "Uh-oh..." she giggles nervously. "Hiya Cosmos-chan, what cha doin' here? Hehe...I can explain...ummm..mmm...there was...a just a second ago...and....ummm..." she thinks hurriedly then dives behind Bra. "You're not going to tell Usagi and the others about this, are you? They'd have a royal fit if they found out."

-- Chibiusa

Entry 308

Aeka pants heavily as she attempts to keep up with the fast senshi. "I can't run..." she looks back and sees Usagi struggling to keep up. "Hey, odango atama, where did your kawaii kitty cat get to after the crash? I figured she wouldd be coming with us."

-- Aeka

Entry 309

Buruma stands up and brushes the dirt off her shorts. She climbs onto her air bike and starts the engine. It dies. "Kusho...I'm out of gas..."

She smiles innocently over at the three friends. "So, who's gonna carry me back to Capsule Corporation so I can check on Bra and her little friend? If they're still not home when I get back, 'someone' is going to be sooo grounded."

-- Buruma

Entry 310

Chibi smiles at Chibiusa, "I would like to know the same thing. I see what is going on, no need to tell me anything and 'no' I won't tell Usagi-chan ...under one condition." ::grins evily:: "You girls join me at the ice cream parlor, I am just dieeeinnnggg for some nice cold ice cream."

-- Cosmos

Entry 311

Chaos, now in Vejita's body, is on a rampage destroying cities and causing pain and destruction everywhere. Chaos has started a death toll that is already in the hundreds. He starts is in the direction of Son Goku's house.

-- Vejita

Entry 312

"Luna?" Usagi stops running, "Oh no, I forgot Luna!!"

Usagi starts to run back. "I'll catch up with you guys later!!" Usagi runs back to find Luna. "Luna! Luna!!"

-- Usagi

Entry 313

"Sure, I would love to go for ice cream but I think I should at least tell you my name. It's Bra. Uh oh, I have a bad feeling that my mommy is going to be upset that we are not at my home..." ::gives a worried look but face brightens up:: "I know! I'll write her a letter telling her where we are, okay? I'll be back. I am going home to put a letter on the door." Before Chibi or Chibiusa can answer, Bra takes off towards her house.

She reaches it in five minutes, throws herself onto the grass, and lies there with a paper in front of her and a pencil in her right hand. "Hmmm .. let's see, what should I write?" ::starts thinking hard and chews at the end of her pencil:: "I know!"

Dear Mommy,
Hi mommy, this is Bra. I just wanted to tell you that me and Chibiusa are going to the ice cream parlor. See, what happended is that me and Chibiusa came back just like you told us to do when we got a dragon ball and but nobody was here so we decided to take a walk in our forest and talk.
We did and then Chibiusa's friend named Chibi came and asked us if we would like to join her for some ice cream. I said yes (cause you know iI llooooovvvveeee ice cream) and that's what happended. So don't be worried and most importantly don't ground me, PREEETTTTYYYYY PPPLLEEEASSSEEE.
Love and kisses

"I think that's nice," a smiling Bra says to herself. "Now, all I have to do now is tape it to the door." Bra grabs some tape from her backpack and tapes the paper to the door securely.

"Okay, now mama won't be mad at me, better go back to Chibiusa and Chibi." She takes off and lands in front of them. "Okay, so what are you guys waiting for? Let's go..." ::grins evily:: " air."

She grabs a protesting Chibiusa and a curious Chibi by the waist and takes off towards the parlor.

-- Bura

Entry 314

"Hell yeah!" a biker yells as he drives his new Capsule Corp special mad eMotorcycle down the street. "This is great!"

Suddenly Chaos, still in Vejita's body, appears in the road in front of him.

The biker, in an attempt to miss him, lays the bike down. "You i diot!" he screams as he gets up. "What were you thinking!?"

Chaos looks at him then at his bike. "What in the galaxy is this? Has the world become this 'modern', wait it seems Vejita has a extensive knowledge of such machines. I need your bike."

The biker jumps up and grabs a uzi from the bike. "Hell no, I am not gonna let a scumbag like you have my bike." He pulls the trigger and watchs as Chaos catches the bullets. "Whaaaattttt aaaarrreee yyyyooouuu." The biker drops the uzi and runs.

"I am Chaos. Learn the name well, it is the name of your destruction." Chaos throws the bullets faster than they were originally coming out of the gun and hits the biker bringing him to the ground. He walks over to the bike, picks it up, and gets on. He looks at the controls for a second before starting it up again. Chaos runs over the half- concious biker with his own bike then continues towards the Son house at full speed.

-- Vejita

Entry 315

::was taking a cat nap in a tree not to far away:: She she hears Usagi yelling. She wakes up and jumps down from the tree. "I'm coming, Usagi!" she says while walking towards the sound of her voice.

She makes it to where Usagi is. "Sorry, Usagi, I fell asleep."

Usagi picks up Luna and sets the cat on her shoulder, running back towards the others.

-- Luna

Entry 316

"Awww, poor Luna. Well, you can sleep on my lap during the movie if ya want!" Usagi tickles Luna under her chin and she purrrrs happily. "Hey guys, wait up!!" She runs towards everyone.

-- Usagi

Entry 317

"Usagi! Luna! Hurry up!" Rei halts the others while she waits for Usagi and Luna.

They catch up.

"Okay, Luna, we need you to get in someone's bag. We can't take you with us into the movies!" Rei smiles and opens the bag.

-- Rei

Entry 318

"Ok, But don't get me sick." she says while jumping in Rei's bag.

-- Luna

Entry 319

"That's a good question." ::thinks for a few minutes, then grins:: "How about the movies? Mission Impossible 2 is out and I wanna see it. Hold on tight." ::shoots off at top speed::

-- Kuririn

Entry 320

"This is fun!" Chibi says gleefully, "I enjoy the feeling of the wind against my face!" ::smiles:: "I dunno how you..." ::points to Chibiusa:: "...can't like it."

She frowns when the feeling of the wind against her face dies down. ::pouts:: "Aaahhhh, we're here already." ::face brigthens up:: "Come on girls, let's go inside and pig out..umm...I...err...mean eat diligently." ::sweatdrop:: She looks back to see the girls giggling at what she had said. Chibi smiles and starts giggling, too.

-- Cosmos

