Vejitasei : Story Archives : 61-80
"Nice name, Chibi."
::looks at the boys::
"So...who are you two, hmmm?"
-- Setsuna
"Guess what? Rei's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
::Everyone runs for cover::
"Alright, sheesh. I won't yell. Just to tell those of you who were wondering where I went, I went on a trip with my family." >_< "I WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORED!!!!!!!!! I'M GLAD I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-- Rei
Vejita enters a cafe, looks around for a while, and realizes that everyone in this cafe is too nice. Standing there he shrugs for a second then realizes there is a phone in the corner.
"Good." he says. "Now I can phone Buruma to tell her that everythings fine."
Vejita reaches into his pocket and pulls out a quarter then slips it into the pay phone. Vejita pauses for a second, then dials the number and puts the receiver to his ear. "Hmmm." he utters. "Just the answering machine message that Bura made, that's not good."
Vejita then looks at his watch and sighs. "Nevermind, right now Buruma, Bura, and Trunks are probably at CC messing around with some of there grandfather's equipment. While their mother is working, everying is as it should be. Hahahahaha".
Vejita then sits down and orders the one thing that Buruma doesn't allow him to eat.
-- Vejita
Trunks repeatedly practiced one-hit kills and sweep attacks on a dummy. He tried different punches and kicks on it. Finally, he ran a mile.
-- Trunks
"Watch out for that mountain! You're flying too low!" ::squeals:: "Bra-chan! Ack! I told you I'm not a good flyer!"
She grasps her backpack tightly as it begins to glow. "Uh-oh. How much longer util we get to your house?" she asks nervously, holding on to Bra's outfit as tight as she can with her eyes closed tight.
-- Chibiusa
After training, Trunks goes home and sleeps for a while.
Later, he looks out the window, looking very bored. Finally, he walks over and turns on the TV.
He feels a tremble and looks out the window to see Goku and Gohan sparring. He goes back to the couch and sits.
Buruma comes inside.
-- Trunks
"Okay... sheesh...I will fly higher then, and we should get there in about twenty minutes." ::grins evily:: "But, if I fly faster we can get there in three minutes."
Before Chibiusa can say a word, Bra powers up and flys at 50 miles per hour.
"See, we made it. Now was that so?? See I didn't get you killed like I did with Mr.Snuggles...but that's a different story...hehehe..."
"PAPA!!! MAMA!!! TRUNKY!!! Where are you guys. Look, I brought home a FRIEND!!! HER NAME IS CHIBIUSA!!!"
-- Bra
Vejita tires from walking, and from eating the extremely large order, so he decides to stop. "Ooooh, I don't think I should have had that last bite...I guess I'll have to work it off."
After saying that, he unloads all of his stuff and trains by sparring with a small sapling...
Hours later Vejita feels better than he had earlier. "Well, looks like I had better get going."
Vejita searches through his stuff, picks up the DragonBall Radar, and the instructions that came with them. After scanning over it for two or three minutes he pushes the button on the top twice.
"Oh, there's a DragonBall nearby. Yes, I am close to victory and Buruma that....Bura and Buruma coming up the road....????"
-- Vejita
"Grandmama, were is everybody??"
Obaba-chan :"Oh, hello sweety. And who's that kawaii looking girl beside you??"
"Ohh, You mean her?? Her name is Chibiusa. Grandma, were's mommy, daddy, and trunky???"
Obaba-chan: "Oh, your father is out with one of his friends...your brother is upstairs, the last time I checked he was sleeping...hmmm...and your mom is in the lab looking for a Dragon Radar. That was the last time I checked, though."
"Ooh o_O ... is she going to wish for something?"
Obaba-chan: "I dunno sweety, why don't you go ask her??"
"Okay...bye Grandma..."
Obaba-chan: "Bye sweety and Chibiusa..."
-- Bra
Rei finished her chores and sat down.
"There's nothing to do here....wonder where the other senshi are...I could try to find them, but then be bombarded by questions....This is awful boring." Rei thought.
She changed into some street clothes and decided to go for a walk.
-- Rei
An attitude of relief came over Vejita as he realizes that it's not Buruma or Bura, but two teenagers that have hair cuts like them.
"Shooo, that was close...if Buruma caught me deceiving her like this, I would be dead before I even saw the whites of her eyes."
Vejita then packs up all of his stuff and heads toward the next DragonBall location.
-- Vejita
Ami smiles, "Alright, I don't have much else to do either. So, let's go look for Rei-chan...Umm, where would you like to look first?"
-- Ami
"Ooooh. Nice place." she exclaims, looking around at all the cool expensive stuff.
"Your grandma is really sweet. Does she always act so chipper, though?" she adds, watching her disappear down the hallway.
"I wonder if her mom is anything like her grandma." she thinks quietly to herself. "Being around these people is just like being around the Sailor Soldiers, they make me feel warm inside."
-- Chibiusa
Buruma is in the house pacing back and forth like mad. "I will catch him lying to me, I WILL catch him lying to me!"
She pauses as she sees Bra and Chibiusa walking by. "Bra, who is haired...friend?" she asks slowly, with a confused look. "How cute, what an original hair style. Bra, have you seen your brother? I need you two to help me fing a couple Dragon Balls real soon."
-- Buruma
"Mommy...I am so happy to see you. This is my friend, Chibiusa. I brought her home to play with my dollies."
"Mama, why are you looking for the DragonBalls??? And Grandmama said that Trunky is in his room. She also said that he might be asleep." ::grins evily:: "Want me to wake him up mama???"
"I will be happy to join you in searching for the Dragon Balls...but what about my friend? I know...hey Chibiusa, wanna join us in the hunt for the DragonBalls??"
"Yup, my grandmama is reeeaaaalllyyy nice... It's hard to hate her. At least that's what my papa says... But, I just loooovvvvveeee her odles."
"Also, don't expect the same from my papa. He's quite arrogant...and mean to people...except to me, mama, and Trunky."
"Hey, why were you worried back there when I was flying you here?? Ohhhh yeah, I just remembered, you haven't told me about your pegasus... If you want, I will tell you a secret in exchange to know your secret about pegasus. Do you think that is fair enough???"
-- Bra
Vejita is suddenly hit by a feeling while walking down a road... a feeling worse than that of upcoming death, worse that torture... the felling that Buruma had found out what he was doing.
Vejita runs to the nearest pay phone and puts in a quarter, then dials home. Getting nothing but the answering machine, he leaves a message.
"Uhhh,'s me, Vejita. Come to the phone, I know you're there. Come on, anyone, come on...Bura, Trunks, Buruma?? I know you're there. If you're planning on coming to where I am, don't, you'll be bored. My friend is don't need to..."
After hanging up the phone, Vejita looks around.
"Hey you!" he yells to a hobo man. "I will give you whatever you want, if you'll pretend to be my friend in order to throw off my wife."
The hobo looks at Vejita with a wierd look. "NO! Now leave me alone."
Vejita looks at the hobo and grabs him with one hand as he starts to walk away. He then puts the other hand to the man's face and forms a ball of ki energy. "What did you say!!!!"
The hobo looks at Vejita in fear. "YA MAN WHATEVER YOU SAY!!! As long as you put me down."
Vejita sets him down and looks at him. "Good. My name is Vejita, remember that."
The hobo looks at Vejita. "Whatever you say, Vagreeka."
Vejita looks at the hobbo and thinks to himself, "I hope this works out."
-- Vejita
"Hey mama, papa left a message...hmmm, interesting."
-- Bra
Minako taps the side of her head, deep in thought.
"Well, let's try the temple first...she might be too busy reading fire to remember the picnic!"
Minako grabs Ami-chan's arm, practically dragging her down the street.
-- Minako
::walking down the trail after giving Chibiusa her basket::
"The great outdoors."
She sees in a distance, Usagi sitting on a bench. "Wonder what's wrong?"
::runs to Usagi and jumps on her lap purring::
"Usagi are you ok?" she says while resting on her lap.
-- Luna
Shampoo follows the black cat. "Pretty cat. Shampoo take home to cafe."
::sees cat jump into Usagi's lap and makes face::
"Awww, cat belongs to rabbit-girl. No can take." ::notices Usagi looking sad and walks toward her:: "Usagi-chan, why look sad?"
-- Shampoo