Vejitasei : Items Shop

(NOTE: You must post a message in the club every time that you buy an item.)


Amulet: (magical stone necklace that can protect you from certain attacks) $2,000

Aura Stone: (replenishes 40% of your power during a battle) $1,000

Capsule Corporation Gravity Room: (training in the gravity room increases your power level by 3,500 every hour that you train in it) $5,500 per hour

Crescent Staff: (raises your power level by x4 for up to 30 seconds) $9,000

Crystal Of Light: (allows the Sailor Soldier that buys it to become a Super Sailor Soldier) $7,000

Dragon Radar: (shows you the location of dragon balls, you can't find dragon balls without this) $800

Elemental Sword: (a sword that can use any element of nature to attack your opponent) $3,000

Friendship Stone: (allows you to bring one friend into each battle to help you defeat your opponent) $8,000

Zet Sword: (delivers a full blow to ANY opponent, even if they are being protected by a strong shield) $20,000

Senzu Beans: (heals all wounds) $2,000 ea

Space Pod: $9,000

Special Armor: (helps protect your body in battle) $2,000

Scouter: $200

Weighted Clothing: $800