Chrono Cross : Archives : 176-200
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Harle blinks. "You vant ME?!" She looks around. "Vell, since you're not manly enough to do it yourself, I suppose I shall have to do it!" Harle gives Karsh a smirk and walks over to Serge. She taps her foot and tilts her head to the side. "Vell...You're very scrawny. That doesn't make it easier, no?" Harle thinks.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge just blinked. "Scrawny?! Look at you!" He frowned. "I'm not liking this. Can I go home now?" He looked at Lynx for an answer.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Lynx walks over to Serge. He looks at Serge for a moment and says, "Sure, I'll let you go.... as soon as the girl comes to rescue you." As the catman lets out a diabolical laugh.
Solt & Peppor:
[Fossil Valley, Alternate World]
Peppor turns for a moment to look up at the egg with the dodo. "W-Wait a moment... Dodos don't growl... I'm shaking it up there!" In a few moments, he climbs up the side of the cliff, landing directy in the dodo's nest.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"YOU WANTED THE GIRL?!?!?" Karsh shouts. "IF YOU HAD TOLD ME THAT, I COULDA CAPTURED HER AS WELL!" He rolls his eyes a bit now, and suddenly a younger figure comes into the room.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"General Viper, are you, like, in here?" Marcy asks as she peeks into the room. "Hey! Who's the hotty?"
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Karsh mutters.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Couldn't sleep."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Harle just rolls her eyes at the whole ordeal.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge just blinked. "You wanted that blonde girl?!" He looks a bit flabbergasted. "THEN WHY'M I HERE?! This is not good. Not good at all...and to top it off, the kid thinks my looks are nice." Serge looked up to the ceiling. "Today's not my day...First I'm not even born, then I'm a ghost, then I get captured, and now IT'S FOR THE OTHER GIRL!?" Serge whines and tries to slump in his seat. "Man...why me?"
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Lynx starts to get aggravated. He yells, "SILENCE everyone, Everyone is misunderstanding me. I want to kill the girl myself. I have other plans for this kid, but I'll use him as a lure for the girl till she comes." Lynx then strolls over to the wall, leaning against it laughing.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Karsh pauses for a moment, then begins to speak. "Come on, Marcy. I'll get you some warm milk." He quickly takes Marcy by the hand and the two walk out of the room together.
[Opassa Beach, Home World]
"Nice to meet you, Kid, Leena..." He smiles politely at the two other girls, wondering which one was Leena.
"Oh, please tell. I might be able help!" He said bravely. 'Gee, I hope they don't think I'm just a kid...' "Who knows? Your problem might be right up my alley." He flashed her his most cocky grin.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge shuts his mouth and sits up as straight as he can against the bondage. He taps his foot loudly on the floor to make it aggravating. He then decides to whistle a song out of tune, just to make Lynx mad.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
After the Catman lets out some steam. He waits quietly glaring at Serge. Soon the noise Serge is creating gets on his nerves. Once again he roars, "SILENCE!!! You've always been such a pain, Serge, stop that NOW!" He then calms down and waits for Kid to come to try to rescue him. He really wants to finally finish her off.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Hey," Karsh says, walking back in without Marcy. "You don't want to wake the manor. Besides, you don't shout at prisoners, you hit 'em."
[Opassa Beach, Home World]
Kid responds with a half grin. "Well, he's got guts. That's fer sure." she thinks to herself. "Ok, mate. If YOU insist." she replies, using her best 'concerned' voice. She begins to kick at the sand, seemingly uncomfortably, with her right foot. She keeps her eyes locked on the foot temporarily, so as to not make eye contact with the potential new teammate.
"Well, ya see...I kinda stumbled into this little confrontation at Cape Howl. These three big blokes were pickin' on one guy and so I tried to help him out, since I was in the area. Dunno what happened but I hesitated... and lost those three bastards. They took the guy with 'em and left, so now I gotta go rescue him. I feel like it's the least I can do fer the poor fella, ya know?" she concludes, taking a deep breath.
"It's gonna be, tough. Just me and Leena...two poor, defenseless, beautiful young girls going in alone against who-knows-what." she says, looking up at him. They keep eye contact for several seconds before Kid turns back to Leena with a concealed grin. She puts her hands on her hips and says, "Well, time's a wastin'. The longer we wait, the worse it's gonna be fer yer friend Serge." She pauses for a moment, her back to the beach, awaiting a faithful response to her predicament from the young man.
[Opassa Beach, Home World]
Oh, damn. Some guy is involved? I hope she doesn't *like* him, he though to himself. 'But even if she does, how could I say no?' He squared his shoulders and gave her his best "tough macho-man" look.
"Don't worry, Miss Kid. I'll help you out. I could *never* leave a lady to face danger like that alone." He nodded firmly as he spoke.
"Did you get any of their names, or remember what they look like? Did they mention where they were taking him at all?"
[Opassa Beach, Home World]
Kid turns back around and grins back. "Great!" she smiles. "Erm..." she scratches her head as she continues, "...don't remember any of their names, mate. The lackies did sorta look like two tin cans, tho." she recalls. "As fer where they took him, I have a pretty bloody good idea on that. Trust me." she concludes as she scowls at the distance. "Ya ready? We should get movin', mates."
[Opassa Beach, Home World]
Leena smiled openly, having covered her smile during Van and Kid's dialogue
"Let us go then! Oh, and have fun baby sitting, 'Rena." she said, addressing the other Leena by a childhood nickname. By the other Leena's reaction, she had been called that as well.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge shoots a sharp glare at Karsh as Harle voluntarily whacks Serge on the head. "Oh, thanks, SIR Karsh. What kinda knight are you? Attacking kids? That's not chivalrous..."
[Opassa Beach, Home World]
"All right, let's go." He grinned and gave her the thumbs-up sign, then turned to go. 'Oh, great! This is awsome! I get to go on a real adventure.' He tossed a look over his shoulder. 'Accompanied by beautiful maidens in distress, no less. Hey, I might even be able to get some money out of this! I bet whoever the guys were who took that one guy had dough!' He was so excited, he was almost off the beach before he thought to stop and ask, "Where are we going, anyway?"
[Fossil Valley, Alternate World]
::egg continues to roll around carelessly, rolling itself out of the nest and straight into... mayhaps a rock? Naw, too squishy... Mayhaps a leg? But who of? These mysteries are killing poor Draggy... too much thought for such a young specimen::
[Opassa Beach, Home World]
Kid stretches and takes one last look out over the water. "We're Viper Manor, Van-kun. I think that's where we'll find that Serge guy." she says as her voice becomes faint "...not to mention that dirty bastard Lynx."
Her eyes widen as a new thought crosses her mind. "Wait a sec. Somethin' odd happened a few minutes ago, didn't it Leena? All of the sudden there were two of ya. I dunno fer sure, but I'm willin' to bet that Serge won't be at Viper Manor if we go there from here." She thinks for a momentand then looks at them. "I need to be alone fer a sec."
She walks closer to the edge of the water and pulls out her locket again. "Did you do this?" she wonders to herself as she rubs the locket. She looks away and her eyes seem to tear up, "Lucca......" She closes her eyes tightly as she continues. "I wanna rescue that Serge guy and then get revenge on that other furry bastard." She clenches the locket tightly in her hand as she is once more on the verge of fainting. "Is this"
[Opassa Beach, Alternate World]
She awakens on the sand once more and quickly looks around for Van and Leena. "I think it happened again. Did either of ya see anything? Bloody odd, mate. I think it's my locket."