Chrono Cross : Archives : 301-325

[Termina, Alternate World]

"Got any siblings yourself, Guile?" Karsh asks the masked magician.

[Fossil Valley, Alternate World]

"It's where the princess is," Ozzie tells the dragon. "My princess, your princess, the dwarves' princess, the fairies' princess, everyone's princess... except for those accursed humans, of course."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Suddenly, Serge is stopped. Not by one dragoon, not by two dragoons, but by thirteen dragoons. Led by Zoah, Solt, and Peppor, they all glare at Serge. They point their axes at him, and Zoah shouts out, "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING, PRISONER?"

[Fossil Valley, Alternate World]

Van nodded obediently. "Yeah, lets get cracking." He directed a small, amused smile at the little dragon. "Even if you are just a little kid." he added.

[Termina, Alternate World]

The fortune teller squints at Glenn and then cackles. Her voice is cracked with age. "If I were to equate you to something, it would be the moon. Yes, the moon. The moon only shines when there is sun to reflect. The moon does not glow with its own light...but remember this! The moon's light is a guidepost to those who search in the darkness of night. A time will come when you will carry out such a role...Sometime in the near future."

Glenn blinks at the old lady. What did she mean with that talk of the moon and the sun...

The fortune teller turns to Miki and says "You shall broaden your horizons in the open world."

[Termina, Alternate World]

Miki smiles at the fortune teller. "Thank goodness," she mutters. "I thought I'd die the way I am now."

Blinking curiously at Glenn's fortune, she shrugs and then notices the Viper Churro stand. She pulls his arm and leads him there.

Off to the side, Miki and Glenn hear someone shouting, "COME ONE! COME ALL! SEE THE FANTASTIC MERMAID! IT'S A TRUE RARITY!"

[World Map, Alternate World]

Kid picks up her pace with Van and Leena close behind her. The odd band of newcomers, accompanied by the young dragon, follow not far behind them. They soon pass by the bridge which leads to the Shadow Forest, there is not much further to travel now. "We're gettin' closer, mates. Any suggestions on how the bloody hell we'll get in once we get there?"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Serge blinked innocently at Zoah. "What, me? A prisoner? Soldier...I am a foreign ambassador coming to discuss matters with General Viper...Why are you not at your post, soldier?! Get back there this instant!"

Solt & Peppor:
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"I'm surely sure that he's the one from Cape Howl," Solt says.

"You're shakin' right!" Peppor shouts.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]


[World Map, Alternate World]

Van thought about it for a minute, and ended up stumbling. "Well, supposedly there's a way through the sewer system or something..." He grimaced to show what he thought of that.

"I'm not too sure about it, though." He looked back at the others. "Anybody know a better way?"

[World Map, Alternate World]

"Wait a second," Ozzie says. "Before we barge into Viper Manor, shouldn't we stop in Termina? Not only could I use a beer, but we may be able to find someone willing to help us."

[World Map, Alternate World]

Magus chuckles. "Why don't we just blast through the gates? Surely a force of our size shouldn't have much trouble."

[World Map, Alternate World]

Van rolled his eyes. "Great idea. I guess while we're at it we could also put ourselves in chains and lock ourselves in the dungeon." he snorted. "Any more bright ideas?"

[World Map, Alternate World]

"No clue, to tell you the truth," Flea replies happily and snatches the multicolored dragon away from Ozzie, holding it against his vest. "But we're following anyway," she peered at the back of the giant green head. . . "Gotta follow Ozzie."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Serge smiled cheesily and rubbed at the back of his head. "Escaping?" With that, Serge dashed off, running through the Manor as fast as he could.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Luccia let out a small shriek of surprise as the blue-haired captive barreled right into her. She looked down at him surprised, then glanced up. Zoah, Solt and Peppor hadn't quite rounded the corner yet. . . She snatched the boy and pulled him into her lab and to the side, then poked her head outside the door. When Zoah and the lackeys showed their face she cleared her throat and pointed around another corner. "He vent dat vay, Zoah."

[World Map, Alternate World]

Kid looks a bit puzzle for a second. "Er...yer jokin', right?" she replies with a slightly nervous chuckle toward Magus.

Kid looks off towards Termina and then back at Viper Manor, she continues to do this several times before speaking. "Umm...err...ummm...I suppose it'd be worth our while to find an' extra mate or two ta help us. Dunno how many buggers are gonna get in our way once we are inside Viper Manor's walls, after all." she sighs, nodding to Ozzie. "Let's make it FAST, tho. In and out. Serge's been waitin' fer too long as it is, hope the poor kid's all right."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]


Solt and Peppor nod in unison as they run off. Zoah turns and runs up the stairs in the alternate direction.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Wuccia..." Pip starts, "why did you wie to Zoah? Wying isn't nice..."

[World Map, Alternate World]

"Serge can take care of himself," Ozzie responds. "His power is almost equal to what Crono's was at that age. Now, to Termina." He floats off quickly, headed for the cities enterance.

[World Map, Alternate World]

Kid follows skeptically behind the fat creature. How would he know?

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Serge looked at Luccia, then proceded to attatch himself to her leg. He rubbed his cheek against her leg, smiling. "My savior! My savior!" Serge was about to lick her leg, but then realized that would be a bit far. Serge blushed and stood up. "Er...hiya...thanks for saving me...I...Who are you anyway?" Serge flicked up a blue eyebrow.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Harle stomped her foot. "VAT IMBECILES!" She took off out the door and found Zoah. "VAT VERE YOU DOING?! Monsieur Serge got away! You'll be ze punished for zis!" She purses her lips angrily, then whirls around and stomps off to look for Serge.

[Termina, Alternate World]

"A hundred gil for a Viper Churro, huh?" Miki asks the merchant at the stand, one eyebrow raised delicately in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding."

Her head snaps up as she hears the exclamations coming from down the road. Glancing in that direction, she frowns. A mermaid? Then, nudging Glenn, she walks down towards the other merchant, a slight frown upon her face.

