Chrono Cross : Archives : 401-425

[Termina, Alternate World]

Ozzie lowers his hands slightly. This isn't the place to start smashing people.

[Termina, Alternate World]

Korcha glares at the man and leaps off the bridge into a canoe, and begins rowing off.

[Termina, Alternate World]

"QUICK!" Ozzie shouts. "HE'S GOT A BOAT! FOLLOW HIM!"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Serge blinks. "THE ZOO?! We don't have time!"

[Termina, Alternate World]

Slash jumped down into the boat and pulled out his sword as he jumped, landing in the boat with sword in hand. "Boy, we need your boat."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"We just got called here on a distress signal..." Karsh mutters.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Well," Marcy begins. "Like, let's find him!" and she dashes down the hall to look. Karsh quickly runs after her.

[Termina, Alternate World]

Kid shoots the merchant an angry glare before dashing off down the steps, followed closely by Van and Leena. She jogs alongside the boat from the shoreline. "Yeah, kid. We need yer boat. Stop so that we can work somethin' out with ya." she calls.

[Termina, Alternate World]

Guile sweatdrops a bit at the tactics, following behind the others at his own pace. Reaching the shore, he adds, "We would be willing to pay."

[World Map, Alternate World]

"Da, Pip, I'm afraid to say dat dere is no time for de Zoo. Ve vill take de cage to de city as quickly as possible." She leans into the cage, pushing as hard as she can. Soon enough she's on the road to Termina.

[World Map, Alternate World]

Serge sighs a thankful sigh and leans against the side of the cage. He sits there, tired, and waits for them to arrive in Termina.

[World Map, Alternate World]

"ZOOOOOO!" Pip cries out. "I WANNA GO TO THE ZOO!"

[Termina, Alternate World]

And at the sound of the phrase, "Pay" Korcha instantly turns back to look at them and shout. "I'LL MEETCHA AT THE GRAVEYARD!" he shouts to them, and rows down a bit more, stopping a bit further down near the graves.

[Termina, Alternate World]

They had arrived in Termina. He slipped out of the cage and dusted himself off. After fighting, running, and all that...He was FREE! Serge bunched up slightly, then jumped. "I'm free I'm free!" He stopped, then realized Karsh or any of the others could still be around. Quickly, he put Pip under one arm and grabbed Luccia's hand with the other. He sped off to find a place to hide and plan what they would do next.

He spotted a grave yard and a few people who looked like mourners. "THERE!" Serge ran, no, flew down the road, happy to be free. He almsot fell down the stairs, but quickly saved himself. After he caught his breath, he spotted some weird looking strangers...and...that blonde girl who helped him? Serge put Pip down on the ground. He wasn't sure whether or not to approach her, or hide. Serge shrugged, figuring he'd be friendly. He walked over to the blonde, and put his hand out with a sheepish grin. "Heh heh...hi?" He offered, unsure of whether or not to be friendly.

[Termina, Alternate World]

THIS IS NOT THE ZOO!!!" Pip screams.

[Termina, Alternate World]

Slash looks over to the boy who flew down the road and smiled an evil smile. "Who are you, boy?"

[Termina, Alternate World]

"Pip! Be quiet! Ve vill go to a zoo later." She picked up the cage, shaking it a bit. "Stop screaming or you vill have to be punished." She gave him a stern glare. "Dese are serious matters."

She watched after Serge, waiting patiently. He better not run off and leave her, not after all the pushing she'd done. Her arms ached like all hell she her feet were tired. Not to mention she had a headache from Pip's steady screaming.

[Termina, Alternate World]

Magus watches but says very little. He knows that he could get there much faster than the rest but it is fun to play little games for a while...

[Termina, Alternate World]

Flea sidles up to Magus, looking at him curious. "So, ah, boss. . ." Oh lordie, it felt weird calling him that again, "Where've you been anyway?" He remembered fighting Magus, of course, when he was with the 'saviors of all that is good,' but after that. . .

[Termina, Alternate World]

"Luccia, if he says anything more, drop him in the river." Serge smirks, then turns to Slash, annoyed. "I have a name, and it's not "boy", it's Serge, thank you very much." Serge ran a finger over his nose, then turned to Luccia. "Well, let's get away from prying eyes."

[Termina, Alternate World]

"SLASH!" Ozzie shouts. "We can't waste time with those humans! We must get to the graveyard!"

[Termina, Alternate World]

"That thing's big and gween..." Pip murmurs, staring at Ozzie. "Like the alligators at the zoo..."

[Termina, Alternate World]

Kid blinks, overhearing Ozzie's comment to Slash. "'Ey, tubbs....ya mean that graveyard?" she asks, pointing towards a circular area beside a nearby hut. "If ya start walking right now ya might make it there before nightfall. It's only 'bout 8 feet, afterall." she grins.

Kid turns around long enough to catch a quick glance of who Slash was talking to. "Hey, that's him! Yer the same mate that got kidnapped from Cape Howl!" she exclaims, quickly accepting his hand and adding a brief hug to the greeting. "Glad to see yer okay, mate. How on earth did ya escape?" she asks, examining the strange creature that he is holding as well as his oddly dressed female companion. "Who're they?"

[Termina, Alternate World]

Serge smiles. "Well, I wriggled enough so that my bonds loosened, and managed to out run dumb and dumber. Luccia here covered me and acted like I was an experiment. We got here and decided we needed to plan our next move somewhere secret, so those men wouldn't come looking for me. The...thing...that wants to go to the zoo is named Pip, and this is the scientific genius of Viper Manor, Luccia. I'm pretty tired, and I know we need to get out of Termina." Serge pauses to take a breath, then gestures to everyone else. "Who're they?"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Harle mutters at the incompetence of the security in Viper Manor. She figured by now that Serge would've made it out of the manor, Monsieur Lynx said he would be able to. She tapped her foot, then spun around and continued to look for the blue haired escapee.

