Chrono Cross : Archives : 51-75

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]


[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Help? Ah yes! Vell, if you would hand me a few things I may just be able to get this to work. . ." She waves him over to her current work area, pointing to several test tubes with glowing green liquid in them, and a graduated cylinder that is half full of a red powder. "I do assume you can measure?"

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

"Do you WANT me to hit you?" the aggrivated bunny girl replies in a childish tone. She raises her carrot but then stops as she recalls exactly why she is SO annoyed today. It is then that a very sneaky smirk crosses her face. "The only way I would even consider doing such a thing is if you could manage to go one full round with a creature of MY choosing, old fool."

She grins widely. "Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't." she thinks quietly to herself. "Either way, it's nothing but pure entertainment for me!." She motions towards the cages full of large ferocious creatures. "The choice is yours." she says aloud.

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

Sneff looks around a little uneasily as a sneaky grin crosses his face. He slowly starts walking circles around Janice. "Janice, now...why would a nice, generouss, and beautiful... Did I mention beautiful? Persson like yoursself need to wasste your time like that? Wouldn't it be more to your perssonality if you DID give me the money? Bessidess, I know about a rumor that you don't know. It came from Captian Fargo and it involvess you." ::grins:: "I'll tell you... for a price."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]


[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

The great Ozzie floats up to Janice. What is one like him doing away from the bend of time? Seems odd, but it is true.

"Miss Janice," he begins. "May I have the honor of being the 'creature' that you choose to fight Sneff for you? I haven't had a chance to sharpen my skills in ages." He grins widely at the bunny girl and puts his hands together in that little angelic way. When a mystic wants a fight, he gets to fight.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Vell, I'm sure ve'll manage." Luccia straightens her back, pointing to one of the test tubes. "Zoah, vill you please hand me dat one? Oh, and if you are konfused about anyt'ing, please do not be afraid to ask." She chuckles lightly and waits for the large man to hand her the mixture.

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

"A rumor from Fargo, ne?" Janice comments. She jumps up and down with a rediculous grin on her face and shouts "Ooooh! What is it?! What is it?! What is it?!" in an energetic tone. In that same instant her smiling face changes to a dangerous scowl and she nails him with one of her carrots, causing him to be propelled into a nearby wall.

She walks over Sneff and leans over his body. "That was just a little warning tap. Do I have 'fool' written across my face?" she asks, tilting her head to the right. "I just do hate it when people seem to be underestimating me, ya know." she finishes as she motions for him to stand up again.

She turns her attention to the large green warrior who has just appeared before her and her grin quickly reappears. "Well, well, what have we here. What luck!" she remarks in a mildly excited tone.

She returns to Sneff and gestures to help him stand up again. "Well, how about it? If you can defeat a demon as powerful as him I will make it very worth your while, Ss-sneff." says Janice. "Just think of the amount of spectators that would come to see something like this." she thinks to herself. "Maybe I can pool a good sized crowd today, after all! Hehehe"

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

He looks at Ozzie and slowly start to walk a circle around him in order to get a good look at his physic. "I'll Do it if it will get me ssome gambling money, and bessides, I was once one of the greatesst magicians in the world. I it!"

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

Slash stands behind Ozzie in the shadows, smiling slightly. Oh yes, Ozzie will take down that pitiful man...

He grinned as he unsheathed his sword, polished it, then resheathed it. Being the evil man he was, cheating wouldn't hurt Ozzie too much, so if Ozzie needed him he was ready to jump in.

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

Flea stood just to the side of Slash and Ozzie, inspecting his nails and smirking gently. "This should be. . . Entertaining, to say the least. . .The very least."

He threw his braid over one shoulder, giving Sneff a narrow-eyed glare. "Foolish. . ." Flea gave a sidelong glance to Slash, nose wrinkling a bit. He would cheat for Ozzie, yes, but Flea had better taste than that. He'd watch and see what happened - If Ozzie got beat it would be just as amusing.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Zoah looks at the test tube and slowly picks it up. He hands it to Luccia and starts to say, "THIS ISN'T GOING TO EXPLODE... RIGHT?"

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

"Magician?" the great mystic laughs. "My... err... son... was the most powerful sorcerer who ever lived. Nay, not a sorcerer, but a magus!" The mystic laughs as Sneff walks around him and quickly sticks out his tail, swinging it down at the old man's shins, in an effort to trip the old man, just for a laugh.

Ozzie smirks at Sneff, knowing that it would be impossible for him to lose. Even in the event that the yellow innate had powerful enough elements to damage Ozzie's HP, the man would be attacked by Slash's invisible Wind Slash. Of course, if Flea was here... The mystic knew that his general would likely use an anti-yellow on Sneff before the magician realized it.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Vell, ve vont know until ve try, eh? Dis is very expirimental." She nods her head, taking the liquid and motioning towards a bit of the red powder. "I vant dat one, de one vith de least powder in it." Once she's handed the powder she mixes the two, watching them closely. When they don't explode after several seconds she picks up a glass stirring rod, gently stirring the mixture. "Dis may just vork, Zoah!"

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"I HAVE A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS..." He says about as softly as the goliath can, considering the massive echo in his helm. As he speaks, the mixture becomes shaken only from the force of his voice and it starts to bubble...

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"Oh dear. . ." Luccia sighes and winces as the concoction bubbles for a few moments and then explodes, once again covering her and Zoah in the sticky red substance. "Perhaps. . .I should just give up, da?"

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

Janice grins as she observes each of the mysterious warriors. She hops up and down excitedly and then pulls one of the ship's demi-humans aside. "Go tell Captain Fargo and the others that there will be a fight worth betting on shortly." she whispers. "He won't be able to resist. hehe"

She climbs atop her platform and turns to Ozzie, Sneff, and the others. "Like we always say here in the Grand Slam... Fight with might and believe the hype! It's time to GET IT ON! Woo-hoo!" yells the excited bunny girl.

inserted battle: Sneff VS Ozzie

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Zoah spins around swiftly, allowing all the goop to fly off of him. "NEVER GIVE UP. WHAT IF YOU DO SOMETHING TO MAKE IT LESS DENSE, AND THEREFORE LESS LIKELY TO EXPLODE?"

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

"Worth betting on?" Ozzie scoffs. "It's a one-sided battle. I won't lose."

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

"If I vas sure dat it vas de density, perhaps." She shifts her weight to one side, gazing down at herself, white outfit now pretty much dyed red. "I vill have to think on dis, da?"

"I vill have to change soon, I am a mess. I am thinking dat I should return to dis particular expirment a little later." She tilts her head upwards to smile at the larger Zoah. "Danke you for your help, Zoah."

[S.S. Zelbess, Home World]

Miki watches the bunny girl spread word of the battle. Grinning, she looks around for Nikki to tell him about the fight.

[Shadow Forest, Home World]

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?! I haven't even started singing yet!!" ::grumbles as squirrels disappear into trees::

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

The deva glances at his muscular wrist... no watch. "YES, AND IT IS ALMOST MY SHIFT. YOU'RE WELCOME, LUCCIA!" he says calmly as he heads out of the room. The floor shakes a bit with each step, but he leaves smoothly, headed for his shift to guard the Shadow Forest.

[Viper Manor, Alternate World]

Luccia gazes after Zoah for a moment then sighes, allowing her head to hang a moment before she straightens her back. She then glances to Pip, smirking a little bit. "Vell, bak to de drawing board, eh Pip?" A chuckle and she moves to the sink to start cleaning up a bit.

[Arni Village, Alternate World]

Kid awoke to find herself laying in a bed in one of the homes in Arni Village. Upon standing she realizes that her wounds are almost completely healed. She walks over to the nearby window and looks out while thinking about the recent events that have occured. "I tried to help that poor guy and I bloody failed." she sighs to herself. "I just can't go and abandon 'em now. I gotta do somethin'!"

She walks outside and looks around, placing her hands behind her head and stretching. "Where should I start? I dunno any of these people." she sighs. She slowly makes her way toward the faint sound of several children playing and soon finds herself standing on the pier.

