Chrono Cross : Archives : 626-650
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Luccia gave kid the oddest of looks, "Of kourse I'm a genuis, dat vas already established," she murmered to herself and strobe after the bouncy girl.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Magus opened the front doors. There were a lot of dazed guards lying around.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Harle frowned at Ozzie, and for what reason, she would not tell. "Monsieur..." she began, and then paused, as if choosing the right words. "You, are an idiot. Oui? Call that boy an idiot again, and I am sure you will pay." she smiled. "He is cute, no?" She turned and started to walk off. "Coming, monsieur, to talk in ze private? Oui, too, Magus?" She walked off, not looking behind to see if they were following, as she was almost sure they were. But, what Harle didn't know was, why had they come?
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge frowned. He put Riddel down and dusted her off. "Make me happy, like you always do, nice lady!" Serge started to smile like a little kid who just got candy. A big, nice, piece of sugary candy. "C'mon, you did it last time...Do it again!"
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Magus, irritated that he has no idea what is going on but by no means willing to show his irritation or ignorance of the situation, follows Harle with an eyebrow raised to Ozzie.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Oh. Um..." Riddel offered the boy a generous smile as she quickly tried to find something nice to say that would appease this odd--no, make that very odd--boy. "Well, that cute girl with the strange make-up said that you are cute; that's good, isn't it? And, well, neither of those other two nasty men are about to pick on you. And..." Finally coming to a blank, she trails off and is silent for a long moment. Not knowing what else to do, she fishes out a bellflower from somewhere on her person and offers this to the boy. "...and you have this lovely fresh flower that's all pretty and blue."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge blinked. "Eh..." He shrugged and walked over to Kid. "Took you long enough. Are we going to get this over with?" Serge turned serious. "I don't want to be in here any longer than I have to. I don't want to see Lynx again until I'm ready." He rubbed his hands against his pants.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Kid blinks and childishly pokes Serge a couple of times. "Is it my imagination er did ya get softer 'n more pouty since ya left with Tubbie 'n the others earlier?" she asks, teasing in a kind way. She looks over towards the large double doors near the snake statue. "I think what I'm lookin' fer is thru there." she gestures, seemingly serious.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Ozzie slowly hovers after Harle and the Magus, waiting for the girl to come to a stop.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge looked at Kid and shrugged. "Whatever. I just want in and out."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Harle stopped, and whirled around to face Ozzie and Magus. "Alright, what iz it zat you want?" She spat it in their faces, as if their very presence angered her, which it did. How could they know she was who she was?
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Magus smirks and cants a pale eyebrow. "What makes you think I want anything, Madamosielle?"
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Ozzie bows in the most honorable way possible. "Princess of the lesser moon, I seek to aid your father in his goal." Then, he glares at Magus and taps the floor as if to say "On your knees." though no more words pass his lips.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Magus looks at Oozie and doesn't say anything. He doesn't need to. It's obvious that Janus has never bowed to anyone and never will.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Harle blinks, then scowls. "How is it zat you know father?" She spoke each word very tightly, as if it were hard for her to speak each one.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Princess, all mystics know of your father," Ozzie replies calmly. "As do many dwarves, many fairies, and many demi-humans. I am the leader of the Mystics, and I wish to aid in the destruction of Lavos and his children in the quickest and most efficient way possible." Obviously, he was putting this lightly. It probably wasn't quite clear to Magus like this, but Ozzie knew that when Magus heard destruction of Lavos he would probably agree to help.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Magus stops and looks at Ozzie. "Lavos is dead. I was there, Ozzie."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Harle bowed to Ozzie. "Oui, monsieur. I will listen to you." She turned to Magus. "Monsieur, are you positive of zis?" She said it like a cat would say to its food, playing with it.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Kid approaches the woman in the white dress near Serge. "Ya look important here." she grins, putting an arm around the girl's shoulder in a buddy-buddy fashion. "So, perhaps ya can help me out. I'm lookin' fer the 'furry' bugger of the place, a pal of the General's. How's 'bout tellin' me where I can find him?" she prods with the innocent smile of a child.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
He nods to Harle. "I saw Crono's hand deal the death blow. Crono, the girl Queen and I."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"The furry bugger of the place?" Riddel blinks a little over the girl's unfamiliar slang but a smile soon stretches her lips as the meaning dawns on her. "Oh! You must mean Sir Lynx, daddy's guest. Certainly. I can even show you where he is, if you'd like."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Flea *finally* noticed the lack of Ozzie and Magus and hurried off in the direction he thought he'd espied them traveling. Thank lordie he was right, for soon enough he'd come upon the two, along with the clownish lookin' woman. He took up position a couple feet away, a hand on his hip and a cocky expression scrawled 'cross his face.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Kid grins mischeviously and nods. "That'd be the furry bugger I'm referin' to. Lead the way, mate!" She hooks her right arm around Serge's left, "Yer comin' with, right? No chickenin' out." She quickly looks back to see if anyone else from the present company is coming along.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Guile leans against the wall of the manor, ready to continue on. At this point he has sort of become a shadow to the whole affair, a notable achievement considering his unusual attire. Behind his mask, he is sizing up the force within. He does not sense what he is looking for, but the other powers, including that of Magus, intrigue him. Something must be bringing all these people together--including himself. Curious but not wishing to be drawn into anyone's plots, he continues to wait at the ready.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Glenn comes running up through the gates, he is out of breath and red faced. "I.. I.. I knew knew that you guys..were...trouble..." He raises his sword at Guile. "What have you done with the Dragoons?"