Chrono Cross : Archives : 651-675
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Guile stares down the wrong end of the sword, his arms crossed, but his rod, if someone were to notice, is quite free.
"The Dragoons?" He repeats, giving himself time to place Glenn's identity. "Well, I certainly would not know. Perhaps you should ask Lady Riddel?" He nods his head towards her location.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Kid crosses her arms as she watches the unexpected delay unfold. "Who the heck er you?" she asks, tapping her foot impatiently. "No one here's been hurtin' any Dragoons... today. We were just on our way to pay yer General's 'guest' a visit."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"It's alright, Glenn. So far as I know, they haven't hurt anyone. Aren't the dragoons downstairs in their quarters?" She smiles fondly at the young man then again turns her attention to the rambunctous blond girl. "Alright then. If you'd all please follow me?"
So saying, she begins to lead them deeper into the Manor.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Kid nods and follows after Riddel, watching Glenn out of the corner of her eye as she passes.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Slash sheathes his sword and silently follows Kid, ever ready for danger.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Glenn sighs, looking back at the busted gates and the unconscious forms of Solt, Peppor, and Ketchop then sheathes his sword, but wearily follows Riddel. He doesn't want her to get hurt.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"They should be through here." Riddel announces quietly once they have come to the upper portion of the manor. Stepping to the side, she opens the heavy door leading to her father's study and peers inside. "Oh. It looks like they aren't here, after all. You can wait inside if you'd like, though."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge looked at Riddel for a second, then nodded. Silently, he pulled out his swallow and looked at his surroundings. The walls were lined with books, and in the center was a desk made of a wood Serge couldn't name. He took a sharp intake of breath and turned to Kid. " you believe in other worlds?" He blinked his large blue eyes at her and laid the swallow down, then closed his eyes and waited for the answer.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Kid looks to Serge as she lifts herself onto the desk to sit down. She lays back with her arms behind her head and gazes up at the ceiling. "Life'd be one bugger of a disappointment if people didn't believe in stuff like that, mate." she nods with an ever so small hint of sadness. "Still thinkin' bout what that bloke at Cape Howl said before?"
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Glenn frowns "What do you people want with Sir Lynx?"
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Kid turns her head towards Glenn for a moment, not bothering to sit up just yet. "Well, what 'I' want with him ain't really none of yer concern... now is it, mate? It's...personal. As far as everyone else here goes, yer guess is as good as mine." she replies, sighing and wondering how long they will be waiting in this room.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Glenn frowns. "I beg your pardon but it is my concern. Sir Lynx, as creepy as he is, is a guest of General Viper's and therefore he is under the protection of the Dragoons, and I am a Dragoon."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"It is alright, Glenn." Riddel murmurs softly in an attempt to soothe the troubled boy. Tilting her head slightly, she smiles softly. "I am certain that these people have no unnecessary ill intention. Beyond that, you have to agree that there is something unpleasant about daddy's guest."
[Arni Village, Alternate World]
Mojo, sitting upon his altar in the basement of the ex-fisherman's house, yawns hugely and stretches his straw arms up over his head. That done, he nimbly leaps down from the elevated shelf, glances around, then heads out to Arni proper. Blinking against the bright sunlight, he glances around in search of any excitement.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
He nods sullenly. "Yes, he's not very nice but he is still the General's guest, Riddel." He smiles fondly at her.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Somethin' tells me yer General Viper wouldn't wanna be in this bastard's company if he knew a bit about him." she retorts. She then sighs and stretches as she catches a glimpse of the seemingly glum Serge. She sits up and pokes him in the cheek with her finger. "Don't ya worry too much, I'm sure everything'll get sorted out fer ya soon enough."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Magus, Lavos came back by absorbing the life of another. He has been tapping into her lifeforce since his 'destruction.' He took her back in 12,000 BC. She is in stasis. As long as she is one with Lavos, he will live. We have two options. Kill her, or seperate her from lavos... And I doubt you wish your sister to die." Ozzie said.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Suddenly, Karsh leaps out from a door and lands in front of Serge and Kid. "Returning to the scene of the crime, huh, boy? Not a smart move... No matter..." Karsh draws his Bone Axe from along his back. "Riddel, get away from this boy... He's wanted by Sir Lynx... Alive..."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
And as if on cue, Marcy leaps out of nowhere and gives Glenn a huge hug. "HI, GLENNY! Hey... Isn't that, like, the escapee?" she asks, pointing at Serge.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Oh my goodness.." Riddel blinks at Karsh and Marcy's sudden appearance but it only takes her a moment or two to gather herself. Curiously, she peers at the blue-haired boy then back at the two Deva. "Why does Sir Lynx want him, Karsh? What has the boy done?"
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge gave one long look at Glenn. "I just want to know why I'm so important in the scheme of things." He shook his head as if that would explain everything, then turned to Kid and spoke in low, soft tones.
"He said I was dead. If I'm dead...If I'm dead...There's just something not right with it." He shook his head again, and pulled off his bandanna. He took a deep breath, then looked at her. "I'm not dead. Where I'm from, I have a mother, a best friend...I was with her, you see, then suddenly, a wave came...And there was this moment where everything fit together, and I felt cold...but it felt nice. I liked the feeling. felt like my body was splitting in two, then it just...I landed here, on the same beach I came from, but Leena wasn't there...She wasn't there, I don't understand it. She was sitting right next to me, and she wouldn't leave me...But then Leena didn't recognize me and I couldn't find my mom anywhere. I don't remember my home being like this. It just doesn't fit. I...I don't even know at this point. So many strange things have been happening. It just...doesn't make sense. And it bothers me. I came back here to see if Lynx has answers...He asked me if I knew what I was. That means that he knows why I'm here...why I'm here...Who I I really alive? Or have I been dead all along and this is the real world and the world I grew up in the world of the dead? I don't know...Maybe the world I grew up in is my fantasy world. Maybe."
Serge hugged himself. "That guy that attacked us on Cape Howel attacked me...and" Serge paused to take a deep breath, then let it out. "My gravestone was there."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Kid just blinks oddly for a moment. "Gravestone, eh? Yup, that bum the hell outta me, too." she replies, patting him on the pack as she says, "There, there. I'm sure there's some sorta explanation to all this."
She leaps off the desk as she notices Karsh enter. "Dammit, YOU again?" she growls at the purple headed Deva. "Ain't cha got nothin' better to do than come after a troubled mate like this?" she asks, pulling out her dagger and standing near Serge and Riddel. It is then that she takes notice of Marcy for the first time. "Bringin' yer little sister into a possible brawl, I see. Real smart of ya, ain't it? 'Course, I'm not surprised." she finishes with a half grin to Karsh.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Harle looked at Ozzie and Magus, shrugged, then walked off, realizing she had better things to do then listen to them talk about Lavos.
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
Serge gets up almost wearily, then gives Karsh the meanest glare he could muster. "Go away. Right now." Serge rolls his shoulders and picks up his swallow, then looks at Marcy. "You, too."
[Viper Manor, Alternate World]
"Wait, princess!" Ozzie calls after her. "I still need my question answered!"