Chapter 7
Sailor Golden Star

"Alicia, grab your brother's wallet and let's go shopping!"

"Fine with me."

Alicia and Lynn met up at the Tokyo Mall and went on a shopping spree at 'Bath and Body Works', 'The Wet Seal', 'Rave', 'Natural Wonders', and 'Hot Topic'.

They were looking at earrings in 'Clairs' when another monster ran into the mall. Everyone was screaming and yelling.

Lynn wasn't thinking and transformed in front of everyone. Alicia wasn't watching her, she was only looking for a place to hide. She finished transforming and darted out of 'Clairs' and into the main room.

No one was in there except a huge monster that was eating all the 'Dippin Dots' ice cream of the future. "Stop right there!"

"Who are you?" asked the monster in a very deep voice.

"I am Sailor Blasting Star, and on behalf of my kingdom, I'm gonna have a feast after I wash you down! Blasting Star Water Bubble Pop!"

Water bubbles flew at the monster, but the monster rebounded the bubbled at Lynn, who was now on the ground. She stood back up and yelled, "Blasting Star Hurricane Shoot!" The monster also rebounded the hurricane. "Ok, let's see IF YOU SURVIVE MY DOLPHIN BLASTING STAR DOLPHIN ATTACK!!!!!!" Her dolphin shot out of her stomach and right at the monster but he rebounded right at Sailor Blasting Star. Luckily her own dolphin couldn't hurt herself.

The monster was now yelling, "WHEN YOU SHOT THAT POWER AT ME I REBOUNDED HALF OF IT AND KEPT THE REST! WELL, I FIGURED YOU WANT IT! CATCH!!!!!!" A huge energy ball flew at Blasting Star and knocked her down.

From behind her someone else was talking. She was saying, "I am Sailor Golden Star, and on behalf of my kingdom, I will destroy you and all your sandy friends from the sun. You will not be dust...but golden dust! Golden Star Acid Shoot!" A ball of acid flew at the monster and turned him into dust. Alicia was a scout, too.

"But I suppose that I am the leader. That's ok."

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