Purple Haze Appearing
written by: Arishia


"Ally has been struggling to keep secret the truth about riaru and the truth about how things are supposed to be in anime. But she's made a slip-up and the consequences are heavy. This is an epic story of trust, lies, and desperation, and what one person will do to keep what she fought for."

00: Prologue
01: My Secret, My Life
02: What Kami Said
03: The Young Stranger
04: Ally's Plan
05: More Troubles
06: The Truth
    07: Lies and Pain
08: Life-Long Dream
09: Final Choice
10: Forgiveness
11: Ally's Plea
12: Epilogue

More of the Ally Universe is available...
Alicia of Riaru, Ally of Anime | Reflections In The Dark | How He Saw Ally


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